---+ Reification in the Virtuoso Sponger %TOC% *Note*: Some of the underlying implementation of reification is in flux ---++ What is Reification? Reification is one level of useful abstraction, in which raw triples are modeled as resources in their own right, allowing description and annotation of those triples. A typical use is provenance: given a particular resource to sponge, the Virtuoso Sponger has many components that can contribute triples, so it can be useful to trace which cartridge is responsible. ---+++ Data Islands In addition to the datasource-specific cartridges, the HTML+Variants extractor cartridge identifies several ways of embedding RDF data in HTML, which we term _data islands_. * HTML5 Microdata (itemscope, itemtype, itemprop attributes) * RDFa microdata (about, property, resource attributes) * JSON-LD using <script type="application/ld+json"> ... </script> * Turtle and N3 using <script type="text/turtle"> ... </script> * GRDDL (hRecipe, hCard, hCalendar, hProduct, xFolk, eRDF, etc) Additionally, if installed, the Turtle Meta-cartridge identifies Turtle in any "content" triple, e.g. titles, descriptions, social media post bodies, etc. ---++ Configuration The HTML+Variants extractor cartridge takes a handful of options by which one can configure which data-islands contribute: * rdfa=yes - controls whether the RDFa extractor runs * reify_rdfa=1 - determines whether extracted RDFa is reified * reify_html5md=1 - determines whether extracted HTML5 Microdata is reified * reify_jsonld=1 - determines whether extracted JSON-LD is reified * reify_all_grddl=0 - determines whether all other GRDDL data is reified ---++ Sample Input Let us assume a very simple input HTML document, as follows: Turtle-in-script test

Testing Turtle in scripts

As we can see, this contains one RDFa statement in the <title> element and a small pool of Turtle data in a script element. ---++ Sample Output When sponging with the default settings for HTML+Variants extractor cartridge enabled, we see: | type | Document | | sameAs | #this | | container of | Embedded RDFa Statement 1 | | | Embedded TTL-script Statement 1 | | | Embedded TTL-script Statement 2 | | Title | Turtle-in-script test | Expanding the Embedded RDFa Statement 1, we see: | type | Statement | | label | Embedded RDFa Statement 1 | | described by | Turtle test | | | <> | | subject | Turtle test | | predicate | Title | | object | Turtle test | | Sponge Time | 2014-06-11 14:42:40.200348 (xsd:date) |