< 1 At the authentication challenge, log in as the <b><code>dba</code></b> user, with the AMI <b><code>instance-id</code></b> as the password. <i><b>Note:</b> If unable to connect to the Virtuoso server using the <b><code>instance-id</code></b> as password, please [[http://download.openlinksw.com:81/download/register.vsp?hname=support][register with our Support Site]], and [[http://support.openlinksw.com/support/techadd.vsp][create a Support Case]] for fastest assistance.</i>
> 1 At the authentication challenge, log in as the <b><code>dba</code></b> user, with the AMI <b><code>instance-id</code></b> as the password. <i><b>Note:</b> If unable to connect to the Virtuoso server using the <b><code>instance-id</code></b> as password, please [[http://download.openlinksw.com:8080/download/register.vsp?hname=support][register with our Support Site]], and [[http://support.openlinksw.com/support/techadd.vsp][create a Support Case]] for fastest assistance.</i>
< 1 At the authentication challenge, log in as the <b><code>dba</code></b> user, with the AMI <b><code>instance-id</code></b> as the password. <i><b>Note:</b> If unable to connect to the Virtuoso server using the <b><code>instance-id</code></b> as password, please [[http://download.openlinksw.com:81/download/register.vsp?hname=support][register with our Support Site]], and [[http://support.openlinksw.com/support/techadd.vsp][create a Support Case]] for fastest assistance.</i>
> 1 At the authentication challenge, log in as the <b><code>dba</code></b> user, with the AMI <b><code>instance-id</code></b> as the password. <i><b>Note:</b> If unable to connect to the Virtuoso server using the <b><code>instance-id</code></b> as password, please [[http://download.openlinksw.com:8080/download/register.vsp?hname=support][register with our Support Site]], and [[http://support.openlinksw.com/support/techadd.vsp][create a Support Case]] for fastest assistance.</i>