Virtuoso Mapping Ontology for Google


Virtuoso offers mapping ontology for Google. The Virtuoso hosted version:

It receives redirects from .



The mapping can be initialize executing the sql file and uploading the ontology file as shown in the list below:

  1. Re-write rules creation
  2. Google Vocabulary Ontology
  3. Google Vocabulary rdf

Deploying Google Mapping Vocabulary using Conductor UI:

The following step-by-step guide will lead you trough the process of Deploying Google Mapping Vocabulary using Conductor UI:

  1. Go to http://<cname>:port/conductor
  2. Log in as dba user

Upload the ontology file:

Go to Web Application Server -> Content Management

  1. Create folder schemas ( if does not exist already):
  2. Click the button "New folder"
  3. In the shown form:
    1. Enter Folder name: schemas
    2. Change Owner to dav
    3. Change Free Text Indexing to Recursively
    4. Click the "Create" button.
    5. As result the folder "schemas" will be created.

Go to path /DAV/schemas

  1. Click the "Upload" button.
  2. In the shown form:
    1. Change Destination to RDF Store
    2. For File click the Browse button and select the googlevoc.n3 file
    3. Enter for RDF IRI for ex.:
    4. Click the upload button

As result the file will be uploaded.

Let's check the RDF data:

  1. Go to http://<cname>:port/sparql
  2. Enter the Graph IRI, for ex.
  3. Enter the following query:

    select * where {?s ?p ?o}

  4. Click the "Run Query" button.
  5. As result the RDF data for the given graph will be shown:

Create the virtual folder:

  1. Go to Web Application Server -> Virtual Domains & Directories
  2. For defined http host, for ex. www. expand the Interface blue folder icon:
  1. Click New Directory
  2. In the shown form select type: WebDAV doman and click the "Next" button.
  1. In the Virtual Directory creation form:
    1. Enter Path: /schemas/external/googlevocab
    2. leave checked "Physical path is a WebDAV repository"
    3. Enter Physical path: /DAV/schemas/googlevoc.n3
    4. Click the "Save Changes" button

As result the Virtual Directory will be created and shown in the list of virtual directories for the selected host.

Create re-write rules for the created virtual folder from above:

  1. Click the URL-rewrite link for the created "/schemas/external/googlevocab" virtual directory
  2. As result will be shown the URL rewriting rules form:

Add first rule:

  1. Change "Destination Path format" to:


  1. Click the "Add" button.
  2. As result the rule will be created:

Now let's create the second rule:

  1. Change "Rule matching" to "Last matching"
  2. Enter for "Request Path pattern":


  3. Enter for "Accept Header Request pattern": application/rdf.xml
  4. Enter for "Destination Path format":


  5. Change "HTTP Response Code" to: 303
  1. Click the "Add" button.
  2. As result the rule will be created:

Now let's create the third rule:

  1. Change "Rule matching" to "Last matching"
  2. Enter for "Request Path pattern":


  3. Enter for "Accept Header Request pattern": text/rdf.n3
  4. Enter for "Destination Path format":


  5. Change "HTTP Response Code" to: 303
  1. Click the "Add" button.
  2. As result the rule will be created:

Now let's create the forth rule:

  1. Change "Rule matching" to "Last matching"
  2. Enter for "Request Path pattern":


  3. Enter for "Accept Header Request pattern": (text/rdf.n3)|(application/rdf.xml)
  4. Enter for "Destination Path format":


  1. Click the "Add" button.
  2. As result the rule will be created

