---++Briefcase OAuth REST API Example performed with the Virtuoso OAuth Testing Tool
The following example demonstrates adding a resource and getting resource info by the ODS REST APIs briefcase.resource.store
and briefcase.resource.get
using the OAuth Test Tool. A full list of the ODS REST APIs for ODS-Briefcase is found [[../ODS/VirtuosoOdsControllersBriefcase][elsewhere]].
1. Go to [[http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods][http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods]]
1. Log in as user demo
with password demo
1. Go to Settings -> OAuth Keys
1. Copy the Token value for a Briefcase instance, or create one if none exist. For example: 32e2a8fdddb69cb76b0e8309c42e5a7d008fdefc
1. Go to [[http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods/oauth_test.vsp][http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods/oauth_test.vsp]]
1. Complete the form as follows —
* *Server*: http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods/api
* *Consumer Key*: 32e2a8fdddb69cb76b0e8309c42e5a7d008fdefc
* *API method*: briefcase.resource.store
* *API parameters*: path=/DAV/home/demo/Public/mytest&content=TEST
* *Query options*: choose Generate URI and Submit
from the menu
1. Click the Execute button.
1. Click the Authorize button.
1. The generated URI and the output message from executing the ODS REST API will be shown. In our case, the ID of the newly created resource will be: 110997
1. Now let's get the data for the created resource. Complete the form as follows —
* *API method*: briefcase.resource.get
* *API parameters*: path=/DAV/home/demo/Public/mytest
* *Query options*: choose Generate URI and Submit
from the menu
1. Click the Execute button.
1. The Response Body text-area will show the retrieved content for the resource with the given ID.
CategoryBriefcase CategoryODS CategoryOdsBriefcase CategoryTutorial CategoryOAuth CategoryDocumentation