---+ Linking JDBC-accessible Database Objects into Virtuoso
---++ Steps
1 Start the Virtuoso Web User Interface.
1 Select the *Conductor* link in the left frame and login as the *dba* user.
1 Select the *Databases* -> *External Data Source* -> *Data Sources* tab menu items.
1 Select the *Connect* button for the *jdbcma* ODBC to JDBC DSN.
1 On succesful connection, select the *Link Objects* button to obtain a list of available tables.
1 Select all the tables that are part of the *Demo* catalog.
1 Select all the *Demo* catalog tables to be linked into the database and click the *Link* button.
1 Change the catalog for each table to *JDBC* using the *Set All* button.
1 Click the *Link* button to link the selected tables into Virtuoso.
1 On completion of the link process, the tables will be displayed in the *External Linked Objects* tab.
1 The linked tables can be queried by clicking on the hyperlink in the *Local Name* column of the *External Linked Objects* tab above. This loads the Virtuoso *Interactive SQL* interface with the required SQL *Select* for retrieving the remote table data . We shall use the *JDBC.jdbcma.Artist* table to demonstrate this.
1 Click the *Execute* button to run the query and retrieve results from the remote table.
1 The tables can also be viewed as part of the Virtuoso *SQL Schema Objects* under the *JDBC* catalog name.
The link process is now complete enabling the tables to be queried as if part of the Virtuoso Schema.
---++ Related
* [[VOSSQL2RDF][Mapping SQL Data to Linked Data Views]]
* [[VirtOJDBCEntityFrameworkUsage][ Using Microsoft Entity Frameworks to Access Remote JDBC-accessible Schema Objects with Virtuoso, via an ODBC-to-JDBC Bridge]]
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