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sioct:Comment atom:Entry
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---++Musicbrainz Linked Data Views Script to set up your own instance <verbatim> create text index on ZITGIST.MO.artist ("name") with key id; create text index on ZITGIST.MO.artistalias ("name") with key id; create text index on ZITGIST.MO.album ("name") with key id; create text index on ZITGIST.MO.track ("name") with key id; vt_batch_update (fix_identifier_case ('ZITGIST.MO.artist'), 'ON', NULL); vt_batch_update (fix_identifier_case ('ZITGIST.MO.artistalias'), 'ON', NULL); vt_batch_update (fix_identifier_case ('ZITGIST.MO.album'), 'ON', NULL); vt_batch_update (fix_identifier_case ('ZITGIST.MO.track'), 'ON', NULL); VT_INC_INDEX_DB_MO_artist (); VT_INC_INDEX_DB_MO_artistalias (); VT_INC_INDEX_DB_MO_album (); VT_INC_INDEX_DB_MO_track (); </verbatim> * <strong>Note</strong>: Making sure that the graphs and views are deleting to clean Virtuoso from the old definitions <verbatim> sparql drop quad storage virtrdf:MBZROOT. ; sparql prefix mbz: <> drop literal class mbz:duration ; sparql prefix mbz: <> drop literal class mbz:created. drop literal class mbz:official_iri. drop literal class mbz:bootleg_iri. drop literal class mbz:promotion_iri. drop literal class mbz:album_iri. drop literal class mbz:single_iri. drop literal class mbz:ep_iri. drop literal class mbz:compilation_iri. drop literal class mbz:soundtrack_iri. drop literal class mbz:spokenword_iri. drop literal class mbz:interview_iri. drop literal class mbz:audiobook_iri. drop literal class mbz:live_iri. drop literal class mbz:remix_iri. ; </verbatim> * The following SPARQL query will fix an issue Virtuoso has with its JSO system. Perform this query for now, the issue should be fixed in a future release <verbatim> sparql define input:storage "" delete from graph (iri(bif:JSO_SYS_GRAPH NIL)) { ?s virtrdf:version ?o } where { graph `iri(bif:JSO_SYS_GRAPH NIL)` {?s virtrdf:version ?o}}; SPARQL_RELOAD_QM_GRAPH(); </verbatim> * Creation of IRIs classes. <verbatim> sparql prefix mbz: <> prefix rdf: <> prefix dc: <> prefix bio: <> prefix rel: <> prefix mo: <> prefix timeline: <> prefix event: <> prefix foaf: <> prefix sim: <> create iri class mbz:artist_iri "" (in gid varchar not null) option (bijection) . create iri class mbz:artist_birth_event_iri "" (in gid varchar not null) option (bijection) . create iri class mbz:artist_death_event_iri "" (in gid varchar not null) option (bijection) . create iri class mbz:sim_link_iri "" (in gid varchar not null) option (bijection) . #create iri class mbz:band_iri "" (in gid varchar not null) option (bijection) . #create iri class mbz:band_birth_event_iri "" (in gid varchar not null) option (bijection) . #create iri class mbz:band_death_event_iri "" (in gid varchar not null) option (bijection) . create iri class mbz:record_iri "" (in gid varchar not null) option (bijection) . create iri class mbz:performance_iri "" (in gid varchar not null) option (bijection) . create iri class mbz:composition_iri "" (in gid varchar not null) option (bijection) . create iri class mbz:musicalwork_iri "" (in gid varchar not null) option (bijection) . create iri class mbz:sound_iri "" (in gid varchar not null) option (bijection) . create iri class mbz:recording_iri "" (in gid varchar not null) option (bijection) . create iri class mbz:signal_iri "" (in gid varchar not null) option (bijection) . create iri class mbz:track_iri "" (in gid varchar not null) option (bijection) . create iri class mbz:image_iri "" (in image varchar not null) option (bijection) . create iri class mbz:amazon_asin_iri "" (in gid varchar not null) option (bijection) . create literal class mbz:created using function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_CREATION_DATE (in datestring varchar) returns varchar, function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_CREATION_DATE_INVERSE (in datestring varchar) returns varchar . create iri class mbz:official_iri using function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_OFFICIAL (in attributes varchar) returns varchar option (returns '') . create iri class mbz:promotion_iri using function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_PROMOTION (in attributes varchar) returns varchar option (returns '') . create iri class mbz:bootleg_iri using function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_BOOTLEG (in attributes varchar) returns varchar option (returns '') . create iri class mbz:album_iri using function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_ALBUM (in attributes varchar) returns varchar option (returns '') . create iri class mbz:single_iri using function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_SINGLE (in attributes varchar) returns varchar option (returns '') . create iri class mbz:ep_iri using function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_EP (in attributes varchar) returns varchar option (returns '') . create iri class mbz:compilation_iri using function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_COMPILATION (in attributes varchar) returns varchar option (returns '') . create iri class mbz:soundtrack_iri using function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_SOUNDTRACK (in attributes varchar) returns varchar option (returns '') . create iri class mbz:spokenword_iri using function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_SPOKENWORD (in attributes varchar) returns varchar option (returns '') . create iri class mbz:interview_iri using function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_INTERVIEW (in attributes varchar) returns varchar option (returns '') . create iri class mbz:audiobook_iri using function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_AUDIOBOOK (in attributes varchar) returns varchar option (returns '') . create iri class mbz:live_iri using function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_LIVE (in attributes varchar) returns varchar option (returns '') . create iri class mbz:remix_iri using function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_REMIX (in attributes varchar) returns varchar option (returns '') . create iri class mbz:duration_iri "" (in gid varchar not null) . create literal class mbz:duration using function ZITGIST.MO.TRACK_DURATION (in duration integer) returns varchar , function ZITGIST.MO.TRACK_DURATION_INVERSE (in durationXSD varchar) returns integer . create iri class mbz:geoname_country_iri "" (in country varchar not null) . create iri class mbz:url_iri "%s" (in url varchar not null) . create iri class mbz:mbz_release_url_iri "" (in mbz_gid varchar not null) . create iri class mbz:mbz_track_url_iri "" (in mbz_gid varchar not null) . create iri class mbz:mbz_artist_url_iri "" (in mbz_gid varchar not null) . ; </verbatim> * List of functions used to compute some IRI classes: * <strong>Note:</strong>These functions have been developed to handle some weird user cases of the Musicbrainz data model (like the Attritube column of the album table, etc). <verbatim> create function ZITGIST.MO.TRACK_DURATION_INVERSE(in durationXSD varchar) { return null; }; create function ZITGIST.MO.TRACK_DURATION(in duration integer) { declare minutes, seconds, milliseconds integer; minutes := ((duration / 1000) / 60); if(minutes >= 1) { minutes := cast(minutes as integer); } else { minutes := 0; } seconds := (duration / 1000) - (minutes * 60); if(seconds >= 1) { seconds := cast(seconds as integer); } milliseconds := duration - (seconds * 1000) - (minutes * 60000); return sprintf('PT%dM%dS', minutes, seconds); } ; create function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_CREATION_DATE(in datestring varchar) { return sprintf('%sT00:00:00Z', datestring); }; create function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_CREATION_DATE_INVERSE(in datestring varchar) { declare pos integer; pos := locate('T00:00:00Z', datestring) - 1; return substring(datestring, 1, pos); }; create function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE(in attribute integer, in attributes varchar) { declare attributes_array any; attributes_array := split_and_decode(ltrim(rtrim(attributes, '}'), '{'), 0, '\0\0,'); foreach(int attr in attributes_array) do { attr := cast(attr as integer); if(attr = attribute) { if(attr = 100) return ''; if(attr = 101) return ''; if(attr = 102) return ''; if(attr = 1) return ''; if(attr = 2) return ''; if(attr = 3) return ''; if(attr = 4) return ''; if(attr = 5) return ''; if(attr = 6) return ''; if(attr = 7) return ''; if(attr = 8) return ''; if(attr = 9) return ''; if(attr = 10) return ''; } } return null; } ; create function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_OFFICIAL(in attributes varchar) { return ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE(100, attributes); } ; create function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_PROMOTION(in attributes varchar) { return ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE(101, attributes);} ; create function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_BOOTLEG(in attributes varchar) { return ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE(102, attributes);} ; create function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_ALBUM(in attributes varchar) { return ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE(1, attributes);} ; create function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_SINGLE(in attributes varchar) { return ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE(2, attributes);} ; create function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_EP(in attributes varchar) { return ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE(3, attributes);} ; create function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_COMPILATION(in attributes varchar) { return ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE(4, attributes);} ; create function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_SOUNDTRACK(in attributes varchar) { return ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE(5, attributes);} ; create function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_SPOKENWORD(in attributes varchar) { return ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE(6, attributes);} ; create function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_INTERVIEW(in attributes varchar) { return ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE(7, attributes);} ; create function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_AUDIOBOOK(in attributes varchar) { return ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE(8, attributes);} ; create function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_LIVE(in attributes varchar) { return ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE(9, attributes);} ; create function ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_REMIX(in attributes varchar) { return ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE(10, attributes);} ; </verbatim> * Definition of the quad map patterns. * This what creates the RDF triples from the musicbrainz relational database schema. <verbatim> sparql prefix mbz: <> prefix rdf: <> prefix dc: <> prefix dcterms: <> prefix bio: <> prefix rel: <> prefix mo: <> prefix timeline: <> prefix event: <> prefix foaf: <> prefix sim: <> create quad storage virtrdf:MBZROOT # # Defitions of the source tables from the mbz relational database and their joints. ######### from ZITGIST.MO.track as track text literal name from ZITGIST.MO.artist as track_artist from ZITGIST.MO.puid as track_puid from ZITGIST.MO.track as track_track from ZITGIST.MO.url as track_url from ZITGIST.MO.artist as track_artist_creator where (^{track.}^.artist = ^{track_artist_creator.}^.id) from ZITGIST.MO.albumjoin as track_albumjoin where (^{track.}^.id = ^{track_albumjoin.}^.track) from ZITGIST.MO.l_artist_track as l_artist_track2 where (^{track.}^.id = ^{l_artist_track2.}^.link1) where (^{track_artist.}^.id = ^{l_artist_track2.}^.link0) from ZITGIST.MO.puidjoin as puidjoin where (^{track.}^.id = ^{puidjoin.}^.track) where (^{puidjoin.}^.puid = ^{track_puid.}^.id) from ZITGIST.MO.l_track_track as l_track_track where (^{track.}^.id = ^{l_track_track.}^.link0) where (^{track_track.}^.id = ^{l_track_track.}^.link1) from ZITGIST.MO.l_track_url as l_track_url where (^{track.}^.id = ^{l_track_url.}^.link0) where (^{track_url.}^.id = ^{l_track_url.}^.link1) from ZITGIST.MO.album as album text literal name from ZITGIST.MO.artist as album_artist from ZITGIST.MO.album as album_album from ZITGIST.MO.url as album_url from as album_release_country from ZITGIST.MO.track as album_albumjoin_track from ZITGIST.MO.artist as album_artist_creator where (^{album.}^.artist = ^{album_artist_creator.}^.id) from ZITGIST.MO.album_amazon_asin as album_amazon_asin where (^{album.}^.id = ^{album_amazon_asin.}^.album) from ZITGIST.MO.albumjoin as album_albumjoin where (^{album.}^.id = ^{album_albumjoin.}^.album) where (^{album_albumjoin.}^.track = ^{album_albumjoin_track.}^.id) from ZITGIST.MO.l_album_artist as l_album_artist2 where (^{album.}^.id = ^{l_album_artist2.}^.link0) where (^{album_artist.}^.id = ^{l_album_artist2.}^.link1) from ZITGIST.MO.l_album_album as l_album_album where (^{album.}^.id = ^{l_album_album.}^.link0) where (^{album_album.}^.id = ^{l_album_album.}^.link1) from ZITGIST.MO.l_album_url as l_album_url where (^{album.}^.id = ^{l_album_url.}^.link0) where (^{album_url.}^.id = ^{l_album_url.}^.link1) from ZITGIST.MO.release as album_release where (^{album.}^.id = ^{album_release.}^.album) where (^{album_release.}^.country = ^{album_release_country.}^.id) from ZITGIST.MO.artist as sim_band from ZITGIST.MO.artist as sim_artist from ZITGIST.MO.url as band_url from ZITGIST.MO.artist as band_member from ZITGIST.MO.album as band_album from ZITGIST.MO.track as band_track from ZITGIST.MO.artist as band text literal name where (^{band.}^.type = 2) #from ZITGIST.MO.artist as artist text literal name where (^{artist.}^.type <> 2) from ZITGIST.MO.artist as artist text literal name where (__or (neq(^{artist.}^.type, 2), isnull (^{artist.}^.type))) from ZITGIST.MO.artist as artist_untyped text literal name where (^{artist_untyped.}^.type <> 2) where (^{artist.}^.gid = ^{artist_untyped.}^.gid) from ZITGIST.MO.album as band_album_creatorOf where (^{band_album_creatorOf.}^.artist = ^{band.}^.id) from ZITGIST.MO.track as band_track_creatorOf where (^{band_track_creatorOf.}^.artist = ^{band.}^.id) from ZITGIST.MO.artistalias as bandalias text literal name where (^{band.}^.id = ^{bandalias.}^."ref") from ZITGIST.MO.l_artist_artist as band_l_artist_artist where (^{band_member.}^.id = ^{band_l_artist_artist.}^.link0) where (^{band.}^.id = ^{band_l_artist_artist.}^.link1) where (^{band_l_artist_artist.}^.link_type = 2) from ZITGIST.MO.artist_relation as band_relation where (^{artist.}^.id = ^{band_relation.}^.artist) where (^{band.}^.id = ^{band_relation.}^.artist) where (^{sim_band.}^.id = ^{band_relation.}^."ref") from ZITGIST.MO.artist_relation as artist_relation where (^{artist.}^.id = ^{artist_relation.}^.artist) where (^{band.}^.id = ^{artist_relation.}^.artist) where (^{sim_artist.}^.id = ^{artist_relation.}^."ref") from ZITGIST.MO.l_artist_url as l_artist_url3 where (^{band.}^.id = ^{l_artist_url3.}^.link0) where (^{band_url.}^.id = ^{l_artist_url3.}^.link1) from ZITGIST.MO.l_album_artist as l_album_artist3 where (^{band.}^.id = ^{l_album_artist3.}^.link1) where (^{band_album.}^.id = ^{l_album_artist3.}^.link0) from ZITGIST.MO.l_artist_track as l_artist_track3 where (^{band.}^.id = ^{l_artist_track3.}^.link0) where (^{band_track.}^.id = ^{l_artist_track3.}^.link1) from ZITGIST.MO.url as artist_url from ZITGIST.MO.artist as artist_artist from ZITGIST.MO.track as artist_track from ZITGIST.MO.album as artist_album from ZITGIST.MO.album as artist_album_creatorOf where (^{artist_album_creatorOf.}^.artist = ^{artist.}^.id) from ZITGIST.MO.track as artist_track_creatorOf where (^{artist_track_creatorOf.}^.artist = ^{artist.}^.id) from ZITGIST.MO.artistalias as artistalias text literal name where (^{artist.}^.id = ^{artistalias.}^."ref") from ZITGIST.MO.l_artist_url as l_artist_url where (^{artist.}^.id = ^{l_artist_url.}^.link0) where (^{artist_url.}^.id = ^{l_artist_url.}^.link1) from ZITGIST.MO.l_artist_artist as l_artist_artist where (^{artist.}^.id = ^{l_artist_artist.}^.link0) where (^{artist_artist.}^.id = ^{l_artist_artist.}^.link1) from ZITGIST.MO.l_artist_track as l_artist_track where (^{artist.}^.id = ^{l_artist_track.}^.link0) where (^{artist_track.}^.id = ^{l_artist_track.}^.link1) from ZITGIST.MO.l_album_artist as l_album_artist where (^{artist.}^.id = ^{l_album_artist.}^.link1) where (^{artist_album.}^.id = ^{l_album_artist.}^.link0) { create virtrdf:MBZ as graph iri ("") option (exclusive) { # Track Composition Event mbz:composition_iri (track.gid) a mo:Composition as mbz:track_is_composition; dc:title as mbz:title_of_track; mo:composer mbz:artist_iri (track_artist_creator.gid) as mbz:creator_composer_of_track; mo:composer mbz:artist_iri (track_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_track2.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_artist_track2) as mbz:composer14_of_track; mo:producesWork mbz:musicalwork_iri (track.gid) as mbz:track_producesWork. # Track Musical Work mbz:musicalwork_iri (track.gid) a mo:MusicalWork as mbz:track_is_mw; dc:title as mbz:name_of_mw; mo:productOfComposition mbz:composition_iri(track.gid) as mbz:mw_is_productOfComposition_of; mo:usedInPerformance mbz:performance_iri(track.gid) as mbz:mw_usedInPerformance. # Track Performance Event mbz:performance_iri (track.gid) a mo:Performance; dc:title; mo:performer mbz:artist_iri (track_artist_creator.gid); mo:performer mbz:artist_iri (track_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_track2.}^.link_type = 2) option (using l_artist_track2); mo:conductor mbz:artist_iri (track_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_track2.}^.link_type = 9) option (using l_artist_track2); mo:usesWork mbz:musicalwork_iri (track.gid); mo:producesSound mbz:sound_iri (track.gid); mo:recordedAs mbz:signal_iri(track.gid). # Track Sound mbz:sound_iri (track.gid) a mo:Sound; dc:title; mo:productOfPerformance mbz:performance_iri (track.gid); mo:usedInRecording mbz:recording_iri (track.gid). # Track Recording Event mbz:recording_iri (track.gid) a mo:Recording; dc:title; mo:recordsSound mbz:sound_iri (track.gid); mo:producesSignal mbz:signal_iri (track.gid). # Track Signal (Musical Expression) mbz:signal_iri (track.gid) a mo:Signal; dc:title; mo:remixer mbz:artist_iri (track_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_track2.}^.link_type = 11) option (using l_artist_track2); mo:sampler mbz:artist_iri (track_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_track2.}^.link_type = 12) option (using l_artist_track2); mo:djmixed mbz:artist_iri (track_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_track2.}^.link_type = 40) option (using l_artist_track2); mo:djmix_of mbz:track_iri (track_track.gid) where (^{l_track_track.}^.link_type = 13) option (using l_track_track); mo:remix_of mbz:track_iri (track_track.gid) where (^{l_track_track.}^.link_type = 6) option (using l_track_track); mo:remix_of mbz:track_iri (track_track.gid) where (^{l_track_track.}^.link_type = 11) option (using l_track_track); mo:mashup_of mbz:track_iri (track_track.gid) where (^{l_track_track.}^.link_type = 8) option (using l_track_track); mo:mashup_of mbz:track_iri (track_track.gid) where (^{l_track_track.}^.link_type = 4) option (using l_track_track); mo:remaster_of mbz:track_iri (track_track.gid) where (^{l_track_track.}^.link_type = 3) option (using l_track_track); mo:compilation_of mbz:track_iri (track_track.gid) where (^{l_track_track.}^.link_type = 10) option (using l_track_track); mo:compilation_of mbz:track_iri (track_track.gid) where (^{l_track_track.}^.link_type = 12) option (using l_track_track); mo:medley_of mbz:record_iri (track_track.gid) where (^{l_track_track.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_track_track); mo:published_as mbz:track_iri (track.gid); mo:signalTime mbz:duration_iri(track.gid); mo:puid track_puid.puid option (using puidjoin). # Track duration mbz:duration_iri(track.gid) a timeline:Interval; timeline:durationXSD mbz:duration(track.length). mbz:track_iri(track.gid) a mo:Track; dc:title; mo:trackNum track_albumjoin.sequence; dc:creator mbz:artist_iri (track_artist_creator.gid); dc:creator mbz:artist_iri (track_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_track2.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_artist_track2); mo:compiler mbz:artist_iri (track_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_track2.}^.link_type = 39) option (using l_artist_track2); mo:producer mbz:artist_iri (track_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_track2.}^.link_type = 18) option (using l_artist_track2); mo:publisher mbz:artist_iri (track_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_track2.}^.link_type = 35) option (using l_artist_track2); mo:engineer mbz:artist_iri (track_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_track2.}^.link_type = 19) option (using l_artist_track2); mo:licence mbz:url_iri(track_url.url) where (^{l_track_url.}^.link_type = 21) option (using l_track_url); mo:paiddownload mbz:url_iri(track_url.url) where (^{l_track_url.}^.link_type = 16) option (using l_track_url); mo:freedownload mbz:url_iri(track_url.url) where (^{l_track_url.}^.link_type = 17) option (using l_track_url); mo:olga mbz:url_iri(track_url.url) where (^{l_track_url.}^.link_type = 19) option (using l_track_url); mo:musicbrainz mbz:mbz_track_url_iri(track.gid); mo:duration track.length. # Record Composition Event mbz:composition_iri (album.gid) a mo:Composition; dc:title; mo:composer mbz:artist_iri (album_artist_creator.gid); mo:composer mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_album_artist2); mo:producesWork mbz:musicalwork_iri (album.gid). # Record Musical Work mbz:musicalwork_iri (album.gid) a mo:MusicalWork; dc:title; mo:productOfComposition mbz:composition_iri(album.gid); mo:usedInPerformance mbz:performance_iri(album.gid). # Record Performance Event mbz:performance_iri (album.gid) a mo:Performance; dc:title; mo:performer mbz:artist_iri (album_artist_creator.gid); mo:performer mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 2) option (using l_album_artist2); mo:conductor mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 9) option (using l_album_artist2); mo:usesWork mbz:musicalwork_iri (album.gid); mo:producesSound mbz:sound_iri (album.gid); mo:recordedAs mbz:record_iri(album.gid). # Record Sound mbz:sound_iri (album.gid) a mo:Sound; dc:title; mo:productOfPerformance mbz:performance_iri (album.gid); mo:usedInRecording mbz:recording_iri (album.gid). # Record Recording Event mbz:recording_iri (album.gid) a mo:Recording; dc:title; mo:recordsSound mbz:sound_iri (album.gid); mo:producesSignal mbz:signal_iri (album.gid). # Record Signal (Musical Expression) mbz:signal_iri (album.gid) a mo:Signal; dc:title; mo:djmix_of mbz:record_iri (album_album.gid) where (^{l_album_album.}^.link_type = 9) option (using l_album_album); mo:remix_of mbz:record_iri (album_album.gid) where (^{l_album_album.}^.link_type = 7) option (using l_album_album); mo:remix_of mbz:record_iri (album_album.gid) where (^{l_album_album.}^.link_type = 4) option (using l_album_album); mo:mashup_of mbz:record_iri (album_album.gid) where (^{l_album_album.}^.link_type = 5) option (using l_album_album); mo:remaster_of mbz:record_iri (album_album.gid) where (^{l_album_album.}^.link_type = 3) option (using l_album_album); mo:tribute_to mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 44) option (using l_album_artist2); mo:remixer mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 11) option (using l_album_artist2); mo:djmixed mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 38) option (using l_album_artist2); mo:sampler mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 12) option (using l_album_artist2); mo:published_as mbz:record_iri (album.gid). # Record (Musical Manifestation) mbz:record_iri (album.gid) a mo:Record; dc:title; dc:date mbz:created(album_release.releasedate); mo:image mbz:image_iri(album_amazon_asin.asin); #Empty for now. mo:compilation_of mbz:record_iri (album_album.gid) where (^{l_album_album.}^.link_type = 8) option (using l_album_album); mo:releaseStatus mbz:official_iri(album.attributes); mo:releaseStatus mbz:promotion_iri(album.attributes); mo:releaseStatus mbz:bootleg_iri(album.attributes); mo:releaseType mbz:album_iri(album.attributes); mo:releaseType mbz:single_iri(album.attributes); mo:releaseType mbz:ep_iri(album.attributes); mo:releaseType mbz:compilation_iri(album.attributes); mo:releaseType mbz:soundtrack_iri(album.attributes); mo:releaseType mbz:spokenword_iri(album.attributes); mo:releaseType mbz:interview_iri(album.attributes); mo:releaseType mbz:audiobook_iri(album.attributes); mo:releaseType mbz:live_iri(album.attributes); mo:releaseType mbz:remix_iri(album.attributes); dc:creator mbz:artist_iri (album_artist_creator.gid); dc:creator mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_album_artist2); mo:compiler mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 41) option (using l_album_artist2); mo:producer mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 18) option (using l_album_artist2); mo:publisher mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 35) option (using l_album_artist2); mo:engineer mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 19) option (using l_album_artist2); mo:musicbrainz mbz:mbz_release_url_iri(album.gid); mo:musicmoz mbz:url_iri(album_url.url) where (^{l_album_url.}^.link_type = 25) option (using l_album_url); mo:discogs mbz:url_iri(album_url.url) where (^{l_album_url.}^.link_type = 24) option (using l_album_url); mo:wikipedia mbz:url_iri(album_url.url) where (^{l_album_url.}^.link_type = 23) option (using l_album_url); mo:discography mbz:url_iri(album_url.url) where (^{l_album_url.}^.link_type = 1) option (using l_album_url); mo:freedownload mbz:url_iri(album_url.url) where (^{l_album_url.}^.link_type = 21) option (using l_album_url); mo:discography mbz:url_iri(album_url.url) where (^{l_album_url.}^.link_type = 16) option (using l_album_url); mo:mailorder mbz:url_iri(album_url.url) where (^{l_album_url.}^.link_type = 19) option (using l_album_url); mo:imdb mbz:url_iri(album_url.url) where (^{l_album_url.}^.link_type = 27) option (using l_album_url); mo:paiddownload mbz:url_iri(album_url.url) where (^{l_album_url.}^.link_type = 20) option (using l_album_url); mo:licence mbz:url_iri(album_url.url) where (^{l_album_url.}^.link_type = 32) option (using l_album_url); mo:review mbz:url_iri(album_url.url) where (^{l_album_url.}^.link_type = 17) option (using l_album_url); mo:amazon_asin mbz:amazon_asin_iri(album_amazon_asin.asin); mo:has_track mbz:track_iri (album_albumjoin_track.gid) option (using album_albumjoin). # Music Group (Band) # mbz:band_iri(band.gid) mbz:artist_iri(band.gid) a mo:MusicArtist; a mo:MusicGroup; a foaf:Group; foaf:name; foaf:nick; # bio:event mbz:band_birth_event_iri(band.gid); # bio:event mbz:band_death_event_iri(band.gid); bio:event mbz:artist_birth_event_iri(band.gid); bio:event mbz:artist_death_event_iri(band.gid); # mo:similar_to mbz:band_iri(sim_band.gid) option (using band_relation); mo:similar_to mbz:artist_iri(sim_band.gid) option (using band_relation); mo:similar_to mbz:artist_iri(sim_artist.gid) option (using artist_relation); # sim:link mbz:sim_link_iri(sim_band.gid) option (using band_relation); # sim:link mbz:sim_link_iri(sim_artist.gid) option (using artist_relation); foaf:member mbz:artist_iri(band_member.gid) option (using band_l_artist_artist); # l_artist_url mo:myspace mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 19) option (using l_artist_url3); mo:musicmoz mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 12) option (using l_artist_url3); mo:discogs mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 11) option (using l_artist_url3); mo:wikipedia mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 10) option (using l_artist_url3); mo:discography mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 1) option (using l_artist_url3); mo:freedownload mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 8) option (using l_artist_url3); mo:fanpage mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 3) option (using l_artist_url3); mo:biography mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 4) option (using l_artist_url3); mo:discography mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 5) option (using l_artist_url3); mo:mailorder mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 15) option (using l_artist_url3); mo:imdb mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 17) option (using l_artist_url3); mo:paiddownload mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 7) option (using l_artist_url3); foaf:depiction mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_artist_url3); foaf:homepage mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 2) option (using l_artist_url3); mo:musicbrainz mbz:mbz_artist_url_iri(band.gid); # l_album_artist mo:composed mbz:composition_iri (band_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist3.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_album_artist3); mo:performed mbz:performance_iri (band_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist3.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_album_artist3); mo:performed mbz:performance_iri (band_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist3.}^.link_type = 2) option (using l_album_artist3); mo:conducted mbz:performance_iri (band_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist3.}^.link_type = 9) option (using l_album_artist3); mo:compiled mbz:record_iri (band_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist3.}^.link_type = 41) option (using l_album_artist3); mo:djmixed mbz:record_iri (band_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist3.}^.link_type = 38) option (using l_album_artist3); mo:remixed mbz:record_iri (band_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist3.}^.link_type = 11) option (using l_album_artist3); mo:sampled mbz:record_iri (band_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist3.}^.link_type = 12) option (using l_album_artist3); mo:produced mbz:record_iri (band_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist3.}^.link_type = 18) option (using l_album_artist3); mo:published mbz:record_iri (band_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist3.}^.link_type = 35) option (using l_album_artist3); mo:engineered mbz:record_iri (band_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist3.}^.link_type = 19) option (using l_album_artist3); # # mo:creatorOfRecord mbz:record_iri(band_album_creatorOf.gid); foaf:made mbz:record_iri(band_album_creatorOf.gid); # l_artist_track mo:composed mbz:composition_iri (band_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track3.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_artist_track3); mo:performed mbz:performance_iri (band_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track3.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_artist_track3); mo:performed mbz:performance_iri (band_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track3.}^.link_type = 2) option (using l_artist_track3); mo:conducted mbz:performance_iri (band_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track3.}^.link_type = 9) option (using l_artist_track3); mo:compiled mbz:record_iri (band_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track3.}^.link_type = 39) option (using l_artist_track3); mo:djmixed mbz:track_iri (band_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track3.}^.link_type = 40) option (using l_artist_track3); mo:remixed mbz:track_iri (band_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track3.}^.link_type = 11) option (using l_artist_track3); mo:sampled mbz:track_iri (band_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track3.}^.link_type = 12) option (using l_artist_track3); mo:produced mbz:track_iri (band_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track3.}^.link_type = 18) option (using l_artist_track3); mo:published mbz:track_iri (band_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track3.}^.link_type = 35) option (using l_artist_track3); mo:engineered mbz:track_iri (band_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track3.}^.link_type = 19) option (using l_artist_track3). # # mo:creatorOfTrack mbz:track_iri(band_track_creatorOf.gid). # Music Group (Band)'s Birth Event # mbz:band_birth_event_iri(band.gid) mbz:artist_birth_event_iri(band.gid) a bio:Birth; bio:date band.begindate. # Music Group (Band)'s Death Event # mbz:band_death_event_iri(band.gid) mbz:artist_death_event_iri(band.gid) a bio:Death; bio:date band.enddate. # Similarity link #mbz:sim_link_iri(sim_band.gid) # sim:relation mo:similar_to; # sim:level band_relation.weight; # sim:to sim_band.gid. # Music Artist mbz:artist_iri (artist.gid) # artist a mo:MusicArtist; a mo:SoloMusicArtist where (^{artist_untyped.}^.gid is not null) option (using artist_untyped); a foaf:Person where (^{artist_untyped.}^.gid is not null) option (using artist_untyped); foaf:name; foaf:nick; bio:event mbz:artist_birth_event_iri(artist.gid); bio:event mbz:artist_death_event_iri(artist.gid); mo:member_of mbz:artist_iri(artist_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_artist.}^.link_type = 2) option (using l_artist_artist); # l_artist_artist rel:siblingOf mbz:artist_iri(artist_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_artist.}^.link_type = 7) option (using l_artist_artist); rel:friendOf mbz:artist_iri(artist_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_artist.}^.link_type = 5) option (using l_artist_artist); rel:parentOf mbz:artist_iri(artist_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_artist.}^.link_type = 6) option (using l_artist_artist); rel:collaborated_with mbz:artist_iri(artist_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_artist.}^.link_type = 11) option (using l_artist_artist); rel:engagedTo mbz:artist_iri(artist_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_artist.}^.link_type = 9) option (using l_artist_artist); rel:spouseOf mbz:artist_iri(artist_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_artist.}^.link_type = 8) option (using l_artist_artist); mo:supporting_musician mbz:artist_iri(artist_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_artist.}^.link_type = 13) option (using l_artist_artist); mo:supporting_musician mbz:artist_iri(artist_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_artist.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_artist_artist); mo:supporting_musician mbz:artist_iri(artist_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_artist.}^.link_type = 15) option (using l_artist_artist); mo:similar_to mbz:artist_iri(sim_artist.gid) option (using artist_relation); # mo:similar_to mbz:band_iri(sim_band.gid) option (using band_relation); mo:similar_to mbz:artist_iri(sim_band.gid) option (using band_relation); # sim:link mbz:sim_link_iri(sim_band.gid) option (using band_relation); # sim:link mbz:sim_link_iri(sim_artist.gid) option (using artist_relation); # l_artist_url mo:myspace mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 19) option (using l_artist_url); mo:musicmoz mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 12) option (using l_artist_url); mo:discogs mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 11) option (using l_artist_url); mo:wikipedia mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 10) option (using l_artist_url); mo:discography mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 1) option (using l_artist_url); mo:freedownload mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 8) option (using l_artist_url); mo:fanpage mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 3) option (using l_artist_url); mo:biography mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 4) option (using l_artist_url); mo:discography mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 5) option (using l_artist_url); mo:mailorder mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 15) option (using l_artist_url); mo:imdb mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 17) option (using l_artist_url); mo:paiddownload mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 7) option (using l_artist_url); foaf:depiction mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_artist_url); foaf:homepage mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 2) option (using l_artist_url); mo:musicbrainz mbz:mbz_artist_url_iri(artist.gid); # l_album_artist mo:composed mbz:composition_iri (artist_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_album_artist); mo:performed mbz:performance_iri (artist_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_album_artist); mo:performed mbz:performance_iri (artist_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist.}^.link_type = 2) option (using l_album_artist); mo:conducted mbz:performance_iri (artist_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist.}^.link_type = 9) option (using l_album_artist); mo:compiled mbz:record_iri (artist_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist.}^.link_type = 41) option (using l_album_artist); mo:djmixed mbz:record_iri (artist_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist.}^.link_type = 38) option (using l_album_artist); mo:remixed mbz:record_iri (artist_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist.}^.link_type = 11) option (using l_album_artist); mo:sampled mbz:record_iri (artist_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist.}^.link_type = 12) option (using l_album_artist); mo:produced mbz:record_iri (artist_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist.}^.link_type = 18) option (using l_album_artist); mo:published mbz:record_iri (artist_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist.}^.link_type = 35) option (using l_album_artist); mo:engineered mbz:record_iri (artist_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist.}^.link_type = 19) option (using l_album_artist); # mo:creatorOfRecord mbz:record_iri(artist_album_creatorOf.gid); foaf:made mbz:record_iri(artist_album_creatorOf.gid); # l_artist_track mo:composed mbz:composition_iri (artist_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_artist_track); mo:performed mbz:performance_iri (artist_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_artist_track); mo:performed mbz:performance_iri (artist_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track.}^.link_type = 2) option (using l_artist_track); mo:conducted mbz:performance_iri (artist_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track.}^.link_type = 9) option (using l_artist_track); mo:compiled mbz:track_iri (artist_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track.}^.link_type = 39) option (using l_artist_track); mo:djmixed mbz:track_iri (artist_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track.}^.link_type = 40) option (using l_artist_track); mo:remixed mbz:track_iri (artist_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track.}^.link_type = 11) option (using l_artist_track); mo:sampled mbz:track_iri (artist_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track.}^.link_type = 12) option (using l_artist_track); mo:produced mbz:track_iri (artist_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track.}^.link_type = 18) option (using l_artist_track); mo:published mbz:track_iri (artist_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track.}^.link_type = 35) option (using l_artist_track); mo:engineered mbz:track_iri (artist_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track.}^.link_type = 19) option (using l_artist_track). # mo:creatorOfTrack mbz:track_iri(artist_track_creatorOf.gid). # Music Artist''s Birth Event mbz:artist_birth_event_iri(artist.gid) a bio:Birth; bio:date artist.begindate. # Music Artist''s Death Event mbz:artist_death_event_iri(artist.gid) a bio:Death; bio:date artist.enddate. # Similarity link #mbz:sim_link_iri(sim_artist.gid) # sim:relation mo:similar_to; # sim:level artist_relation.weight; # sim:to sim_artist.gid. } } ; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_CREATION_DATE to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_CREATION_DATE_INVERSE to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_OFFICIAL to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_PROMOTION to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_BOOTLEG to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_ALBUM to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_SINGLE to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_EP to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_COMPILATION to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_SOUNDTRACK to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_SPOKENWORD to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_INTERVIEW to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_AUDIOBOOK to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_LIVE to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_REMIX to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.TRACK_DURATION to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.TRACK_DURATION_INVERSE to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.album_amazon_asin to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.album_name_WORDS to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.albumjoin to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.albummeta to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.artist to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.artist_name_WORDS to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.artist_relation to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.artistalias to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.artistalias_name_WORDS to "SPARQL"; grant execute on to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.l_album_album to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.l_album_artist to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.l_album_url to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.l_artist_artist to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.l_artist_track to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.l_artist_url to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.l_track_track to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.l_track_url to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO."language" to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.puid to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.puidjoin to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.release to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.track to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.track_name_WORDS to "SPARQL"; grant execute on ZITGIST.MO.url to "SPARQL"; DB.DBA.XML_SET_NS_DECL ('mbz', '', 2); </verbatim>