---++SPARQL Endpoint DET Configuration Guide: set the SQL user account to be DAV enabled Using Conductor UI
1 Make sure the steps from the [[VirtSPARQLSecurityWebID][Secure SPARQL Endpoint Guide using WebID Protocol]] are performed.
1 Go to http://cname/conductor
1 Enter dba credentials
1 Go to System Admin -> User Accounts
1 Locate user "SPUID1" and click the"Edit" link from the very last right column.
1 In the shown form change "User type" to "SQL/ODBC and WebDAV":
1 Click "Save"
* [[VirtSPARQLDETAccountDAVEnableISQL][SPARQL Endpoint DET Configuration Guide: set the SQL user account to be DAV enabled Via direct table config]]
* [[VirtSPARQLDET][SPARQL Endpoint DET Configuration Guide]]