---+VirtSparqlCxmlHead Draft documentation for CXML generation from /sparql endpoint Work in progress ... * VirtSparqlCxml * VirtSparqlCxmlDzcs * SparqlCxmlDzcsOld * VirtSparqlCxmlFacetPivotBridge -- Main.CarlBlakeley 29 Sep 2010 --- * SparqlCxmlQueriesCollection ---++ CXML Generation Routines used by /sparql The main Virtuoso/PL procedures used are: * DB.DBA.SPARQL_RESULTS_TO_CXML_WRITE * Prepares CXML data for a given SPARQL SELECT result set. metas[1] can be tweaked by caller and contain get_keyword style vector of collection attributes. * DB.DBA.RDF_TRIPLES_TO_CXML * Prepares CXML data for a given SPARQL CONSTRUCT-like dictionary of triples * DB.DBA.CXML_CONVERT_FACET_VALUES * Calls any value conversion callback functions of all facets for all facet values. * DB.DBA.CXML_MAKE_COLLECTION * Serializes facets and items into a complete CXML text. * DB.DBA.CXML_FACET_OF_COL * Returns a facet IRI for the given column name. (Used by DB.DBA.SPARQL_RESULTS_TO_CXML_WRITE) * DB.DBA.CXML_FACET_OF_P * Returns a facet IRI (facet name) for the given item type and predicate. By default, the facet IRI is equal to the predicate IRI. * DB.DBA.CXML_FACET_ATTRS * Given a facet IRI, the function returns a vector of attributes of the facet. * Attributes currently recognized by the CXML serializer are: * @Name (the fragment from the facet / predicate IRI is used if not specified) * @Type (default is 'String', values are standard CXML types or one of 'Item/Description', 'Item/Related', 'Item/@Img', 'Item/@Id', 'Item/@Href', 'Item/@Name' ) * @Format * d1p1:IsFilterVisible * d1p1:IsMetaDataVisible * d1p1:IsWordWheelVisible ---++ Default CXML Output The default settings for the CXML generation include the following defaults: * FacetCategory attributes * Name * Defaults to a short property name, without a prefix. e.g. Predicate http://www.openlinksw.com/campsites/schema#distance_from_calais_km becomes a FacetCategory with Name="distance_from_calais_km" * Type * Defaults to CXML type "String" * IsFilterVisible, IsMetaDataVisible, IsWordWheelVisible * All default to "true" * Facet attributes * Name * As with the FacetCategory Name attribute, defaults to a short property name. * Type * As with the FacetCategory Type attribute, defaults to "String". * Item attributes * Name * Defaults to the URI of the entity described by the Item element * Href * Defaults to the URI of the entity described by the Item element * Img * Defaults to "#10" * Items attributes * ImgBase * Defaults to "/pivot_collections/default_pivot_collection_files/n3ijndyb.ian.xml" ---++ Tailoring the CXML Output The CXML output can be tailored by settings in graph <http://www.openlinksw.com/schemas/virtcxml#>. The graph can also be referred to by its short name virtcxml: which is declared in table DB.DBA.SYS_XML_PERSISTENT_NS_DECL.