> ---++++Location Results that Represent an Area
> The items in the following query are associated with a geographical area rather than a single point. If the query results only include areas then the items will not be plotted on a map. A specific point is required for plotting the map marker so in this case a single point within the area has been found using a simple calculation to get a latitude and logitude. When the item is selected the actual area is highlighted.
> <verbatim>
> PREFIX naija-grid: <http://kingsley.idehen.net/DAV/home/danielhm/Public/grid3/grid-nigeria.ttl#>
> ?href
> ?State
> ?lga
> ?wardCode
> ?geometry as ?area
> (bif:st_xMin(bif:st_ewkt_read(?geometry)) + bif:st_xMax(bif:st_ewkt_read(?geometry)))/2 as ?longitude
> (bif:st_yMax(bif:st_ewkt_read(?geometry)) + bif:st_yMin(bif:st_ewkt_read(?geometry)))/2 as ?latitude
> FROM <http://kingsley.idehen.net/public_home/kidehen/Public/Linked%20Data%20Documents/geospatial/grid-nigeria.ttl>
> ?href a schema:Place;
> naija-grid:hasState ?state ;
> naija-grid:hasLga ?lga ;
> naija-grid:hasWardCode ?wardCode ;
> geo:polygon ?geometry
> }
> LIMIT 50
> </verbatim>
> <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/pv-map-area.png" style="wikiautogen"/>
< Notice the use of the reserved query variable ?location to indicate to <nowiki>SparqlCxml</nowiki> which property provides the map's geo-data. For more information, see VirtSparqlCxmlHtml section "Reserved Query Variable for Geodata"
> Notice the use of the reserved query variable ?location to indicate to <nowiki>SparqlCxml</nowiki> which property provides the map's geo-data. For more information, see [[VirtSparqlCxmlHtml#AncReservedGeoQueryVariables]["Reserved Query Variables for Geodata"]].