---+Virtuoso Sponger Cartridge
A *Virtuoso Sponger Cartridge* is used by the Virtuoso Sponger to produce RDF from various non-RDF forms. This requires the installation of the Virtuoso rdf_mappers
VAD package, which can be installed through the System Admin -> Packages
tab of the Virtuoso Conductor.
---++Registering API Key
Some Cartridges may require an API account and/or API Key be provided to access the targeted service. This can be done through the RDF -> Sponger
tab of the Conductor:
1 Select the cartridge from the list provided.
1 Enter the API Account
and API Key
in the dialog at the bottom of the page.
1 Click *Update* to save, as shown:
---++Additional Information
* [[VirtSpongerCartridgeSupportedDataSources][Full list of data sources supported by Cartridges supplied by OpenLink Software]]
CategoryGlossary CategoryRDF CategoryVirtuoso