The following example demonstrates usage of the sql:gs-app-uid
reconnect "dba"; create function DB.DBA.SPARQL_GS_APP_CALLBACK_TEST (in g_iid IRI_ID, in app_uid varchar) returns integer { declare g_uri varchar; -- A fake IRI ID #i0 is used to mention account's default permissions for all graphs. if (#i0 = g_iid) { if ('moderator' = app_uid) return 9; -- Moderator can read and list everything. return 8; -- Other users can list everything. } g_uri := id_to_iri (g_iid); if (strstr (g_uri, '/' || app_uid || '/')) return 15; -- User has full access to "his" graph. return 8; -- User can list any given graph group. } ; SPARQL define sql:gs-app-callback "TEST" define sql:gs-app-uid "Anna" SELECT ?g ?s WHERE { ?s <p> ?o } ;