---+ How can I move a Virtuoso database from one hardware and/or software platform to another?
Sometimes your preferred Virtuoso-hosting hardware (e.g., Alpha, IA_64, PowerPC, SPARC, x86,
x86_64) or operating system (e.g., AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, Windows) changes.
Different OS and processor architectures may use incompatible database file formats -- so your
Virtuoso database cannot simply be copied from one machine to the other, but requires some
structural changes.
Virtuoso offers some powerful, but still easy to use, features for such migrations. More details
on these features are in the [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/backup.html][main product manual]].
---++ General procedure
Simply put, the current Virtuoso instance must be told to produce a "dump" file (basically, a special
form of transaction log) from the current database. This file may be created on, subsequently moved
to, or made accessible from, the new Virtuoso host. The new Virtuoso instance must then be told to
restore the dump file (through a special form of transaction replay).
Adding an extra command argument (+log6
) enables the upgrade and migration
from Virtuoso 5 to Virtuoso 6 or Virtuoso 7. This argument must be added to both the "dump"
and the "restore" commands.
There are two Virtuoso command arguments which will produce a "dump" file. Both of these write
to the INI-file (e.g., virtuoso.ini
) specified transaction log (e.g., virtuoso.trx
so you may need to edit your INI file before proceeding further.
The first dump-producing command argument, +backup-dump
, will only work
when your database is in good health.
The second dump-producing command argument, +crash-dump
, may be used
when your database is in good health, but is intended for use when recovering from many forms
of database corruption.
If you're starting with a Virtuoso 5 server, and migrating to a Virtuoso 6 or later server, append
after +backup-dump
or +crash-dump
Note: The extra +log6
argument is not needed, and may have unexpected effect,
so please leave it off if starting with a Virtuoso 6 server and moving to Virtuoso 6 or later.
In the following examples, we demonstrate moving a Virtuoso database from Solaris running on
SPARC, to Solaris running on x86_64. The Virtuoso commands will follow the same form on any
platform. The methods and commands used to mount, write to, and/or read from remote filesystems
may vary with the operating system and filesharing tools. NFS (used here) should work in most cases.
---++ Sample execution
1 Stop db;
1 (Optional) mount remote filesystem;
1 Edit INI;
1 Create the dump file with one of these commands --
virtuoso-iodbc-t [+backup-dump] [+log6]
virtuoso-iodbc-t [+crash-dump] [+crash-dump-data-ini arg] [+log6]
1 (Optional) copy dump file to remote filesystem;
1 (Optional) mount dump host filesystem from restoration host;
1 Replay dump file with the command
Important note: You MUST use the +restore-crash-dump
argument, NOT the +restore-backup
argument, or the restoration will not succeed. +restore-backup
applies only to [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/backup.html#onlinebackups][online backups]].
---++NFS Notes
This is based on Solaris hosts on both ends. There will be some variation across platforms.
---+++ On NFS Server (where the files really will be)
svcadm -v enable -r network/nfs/server
/etc/init.d/nfs.server start
share -F nfs -o rw
In at least one case, the above sequence had to be repeated after a server-side reboot, before the client-side would work.
---+++ On NFS Client (where the applications/users are)
chmod 777
mount -F nfs :
---++ Related
* [[http://www.sunhelp.org/faq/nfs.html][NFS FAQ on SunHelp]]
* [[http://unix-middleware.com/pages/solaris/nfs-tb.htm][Troubleshooting NFS in Solaris]]
* [[VirtTipsAndTricksGuide][Virtuoso Tips and Tricks Collection]]
* [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/backup.html][Virtuoso documentation on Backup and Restore]].