To display the object datatype of a triple in a SPARQL result set, the internal Virtuoso/PL function DB.DBA.RDF_DATATYPE_OF_OBJ can be used, invoked as sql:RDF_DATATYPE_OF_OBJ
Assume the following scenario:
# Explicit typecast (insert) SQL> sparql insert into <test_datatype> { <a> <string> "string 1"^^xsd:string . }; callret-0 VARCHAR _______________________________________________________________________________ Insert into <test_datatype>, 1 (or less) triples -- done 1 Rows. -- 94 msec. #Not explicit typecast (insert) SQL> sparql insert into <test_datatype> { <a> <string> "string 2". }; callret-0 VARCHAR _______________________________________________________________________________ Insert into <test_datatype>, 1 (or less) triples -- done 1 Rows. -- 16 msec. SQL> SPARQL SELECT ?o (iri(sql:RDF_DATATYPE_OF_OBJ(?o, 'untyped!'))) FROM <test_datatype> { <a> <string> ?o} ; o callret-1 VARCHAR VARCHAR _______________________________________________________________________________ string 1 string 2 untyped! 2 Rows. -- 16 msec. SQL>