The following example demonstrates how to use SPARQL in order to make Meshups:
PREFIX dbo: <> PREFIX rtb: <> CONSTRUCT { ?museum geo:geometry ?museumgeo ; rtb:useMarker 'star' ; foaf:name ?musname; rdfs:comment ?muscomment. ?edu geo:geometry ?edugeo ; rtb:useMarker 'book' ; foaf:name ?eduname; rdfs:comment ?educomment. ?wh geo:geometry ?whgeo; rtb:useMarker '03'; foaf:name ?whname; rdfs:comment ?whcomment. } WHERE { { ?museum a dbo:Museum; geo:geometry ?museumgeo; foaf:name ?musname; rdfs:comment ?muscomment. filter (lang(?musname)='en' && lang(?muscomment)='en') } UNION { ?edu a dbo:University; geo:geometry ?edugeo; foaf:name ?eduname; rdfs:comment ?educomment. filter (lang(?eduname)='en' && lang(?educomment)='en') } UNION { ?wh a dbo:WorldHeritageSite; geo:geometry ?whgeo; rdfs:label ?whname; rdfs:comment ?whcomment. filter (lang(?whname)='en' && lang(?whcomment)='en') } }
View the results of the query execution on the dbpedia instance.