---+Create a Linked Data Resource with RDFa content
The following guide presents simple scenario how to import Linked Data from HTML+RDFa file format:
1 Go to http://cname/ods .
1 Enter your user credentials. In this example we will use user "demo".
1 Go to Briefcase.
1. [[VirtTipsAndTricksImportLinkedDataCreateFeatureFolderC][Create a folder from type "Linked Data Import"]] ( for ex. with name "MyData" and assigned graph "urn:mydata" ) using the [[http://ods.openlinksw.com/wiki/ODS/OdsBriefcase][ODS-Briefcase UI]].
1 Go to path "DAV/home/demo/MyData":
1 Click "Create":
1 In the presented form:
* Specify File name, for ex. "data.html";
* Specify File Mime type: "text/html";
* Enter [[VirtTipsAndTricksImportLinkedDataCreateFeatureRDFAC][this content]] in the File Content text-area:
1 Click "Create"
1 As result the new file "data.html" should be created. Note additional file "urn_mydata.RDF" has been created too:
1. Now let's check the inserted triples. Go to your Virtuoso SPARQL endpoint, i.e. http://cname/sparql
1 Enter in the Query area the following simple query:
?s ?p ?o
1. Click "Run Query".
1. Should be shown the inserted triples:
* [[http://ods.openlinksw.com/wiki/ODS/OdsBriefcase][ODS-Briefcase Data Space]].
* [[VirtTipsAndTricksImportLinkedDataCreateFeature][Create Linked Data Resources using a variety content formats from the RDF family]]:
* [[VirtTipsAndTricksImportLinkedDataCreateFeatureNTriples][Create a Linked Data Resource with N-Triples content]]
* [[VirtTipsAndTricksImportLinkedDataCreateFeatureTTL][Create a Linked Data Resource with Turtle content]]
* [[VirtTipsAndTricksImportLinkedDataCreateFeatureRDFXML][Create a Linked Data Resource with RDF/XML content]]
* [[VirtRDFInsert][RDF Insert Methods in Virtuoso]].
* [[VirtTipsAndTricksGuide][Virtuoso Tips and Tricks Collection]].