---++Load Turtle Example Resource using Conductor
The following example demonstrates how to retrieve triples from remote Turtle resource using Conductor.
The following packages should be installed:
1 [[https://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/download/][conductor_dav.vad]] package.
1 [[https://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/download/][cartridges_dav.vad]] package.
1 Assume the following [[https://s3.amazonaws.com/webid-sandbox/Enhanced-Turtle-Example.ttl][https://s3.amazonaws.com/webid-sandbox/Enhanced-Turtle-Example.ttl]] public turtle resource.
1 Go to http://host:port/conductor and enter dba credentials:
1 Go to Linked Data -> Quad Store Upload:
1 Specify for resource URL the one from above i.e. https://s3.amazonaws.com/webid-sandbox/Enhanced-Turtle-Example.ttl and enter for "Named Graph IRI":
1 Click "Upload".
1 The upload should be finished:
1 View the inserted triples by executing the following statements:
SQL> set blobs on;
DEFINE output:format "TTL"
CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o }
?s ?p ?o
@prefix foaf: .
@prefix ns1: .
ns1:Alice foaf:name "Alice" .
@prefix wdrs: .
ns1:Alice wdrs:describedby ;
foaf:age 38 ;
foaf:near ns1:London ;
ns1:child ns1:Bob ,
ns1:Charlie .
@prefix rdfs: .
ns1:child rdfs:label "Child Property or Attribute" .
@prefix owl: .
@prefix ns5: .
ns1:child owl:equivalentProperty ns5:childOf ;
wdrs:describedby .
ns1:Edna ns1:child ns1:Alice .
ns1:Fred ns1:child ns1:Alice .
@prefix dbpedia: .
ns1:London owl:sameAs dbpedia:London ;
rdfs:label "London" ;
wdrs:describedby .
@prefix rdf: .
rdf:type foaf:Document .
@prefix dc: .
dc:title "Linked Data Deployment using an Amazon S3 Bucket and a Turtle
content based Document" .
@prefix ns9: .
foaf:maker ns9:this ;
foaf:topic ns1:Alice ,
ns1:child ,
ns1:London .
@prefix ns10: .
_:vb140754 ns10:title "My life" ;
ns10:date "1999" ;
ns10:creator ns1:Alice .
1 Rows. -- 94 msec.
* See extended [[VirtRDFGraphsSecurity][fine-grained scenarios]] using RDF GRAPH Security.
* Load Turtle resource(s) using:
* [[VirtTipsAndTricksIsPropertyOfSyntaxInTurtleLOAD][SPARQL 1.1 LOAD FEATURE]];
* [[VirtTipsAndTricksIsPropertyOfSyntaxInTurtleSponger][Sponger]];
* [[VirtTipsAndTricksIsPropertyOfSyntaxInTurtleCMD][Command Line Turtle Loader]];
* [[VirtTipsAndTricksIsPropertyOfSyntaxInTurtle][Using {is property of} for inverse relations in Turtle]]
* [[VirtTipsAndTricksGuide][Virtuoso Tips and Tricks Collection]]
* [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/rdfsparql.html][Virtuoso Documentation]]