---+How Do I protect the Sponger Endpoint?
The guide demonstrates how access to the Virtuoso Sponger endpoint can be protected.
---++ Prerequisites
* Ensure the following packages are installed:
1 [[https://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/download/][conductor_dav.vad]]
1 [[https://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/download/][cartridges_dav.vad]]
---++Sample Scenario
1 Load the Virtuoso Conductor Administration user interface i.e http://cname/conductor .
1 Login using the "dab" user credentials.
1 Go to "Linked Data" -> "Access Control" -> "Sponger" tab:
1 Click "Add New Rule" to create a rule restricting access to be only from "localhost" for example:
1 In the form presented enter the following values to the indicates fields indicated:
* Filter: "";
* Access: "Allow";
* Destination: "*";
* Set the rest of the fields values to "0":
1 Click "Add" button to add the rule to the filter list:
1 Then click "Apply" to activate the rule:
1 To create a rule to deny access from a given domain such as 333.333.333.1 for example, click the "Add New Rule" button.
1 In the form presented enter the following values to the indicates fields indicated:
* Filter: "333.333.333.1";
* Access: "Deny";
* Destination: "*";
* Set the rest of the fields values to "0":
1 Click "Add" button to add the rule to the filter list:
1 Click "Apply" to activate the rule:
* [[VirtTipsAndTricksGuide][Virtuoso Tips and Tricks Collection]]
* [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/wsacl.html][Web Services ACL (Access Control List)]]