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  • VOS.VirtWebIDCurlExample2(1.1) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-13 05:39:18 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-13 05:39:18

    Example for querying the SPARQL-WebID? endpoint using Virtuoso function http_client

    The following example demonstrates how to query the SPARQL-WebID? endpoint (listening on default HTTPS 443 port) using Virtuoso function http_client:

    1. Make sure the steps from the WebID Protocol cURL Usage Guide are done.
    2. Log in at Virtuoso ISQL with your user credentials:

      C:\>isql localhost:1111 johndoe **** Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso Driver: 06.01.3127 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver OpenLink Interactive SQL (Virtuoso), version 0.9849b. Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit. SQL>

    3. Execute:

      SQL>select http_client ('https://localhost/sparql-webid?query=select+*+where+{+%3Fx+%3Fy+%3Fz+.+}+limit+10&format=text%2Fn3', cert_file=>'d b:cli_key', insecure=>1); callret VARCHAR _______________________________________________________________________________ @prefix res: <http://www.w3.org/2005/sparql-results#> . @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . _:_ a res:ResultSet . _:_ res:resultVariable "x" , "y" , "z" . @prefix ns0: <https://localhost/tutorial/> . @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . _:_ res:solution [ res:binding [ res:variable "x" ; res:value ns0:hosting ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "y" ; res:value rdf:type ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "z" ; res:value "Tutorial" ] ] . _:_ res:solution [ res:binding [ res:variable "x" ; res:value ns0:xml ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "y" ; res:value rdf:type ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "z" ; res:value "Tutorial" ] ] . _:_ res:solution [ res:binding [ res:variable "x" ; res:value ns0:repl ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "y" ; res:value rdf:type ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "z" ; res:value "Tutorial" ] ] . _:_ res:solution [ res:binding [ res:variable "x" ; res:value ns0:rdfview ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "y" ; res:value rdf:type ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "z" ; res:value "Tutorial" ] ] . _:_ res:solution [ res:binding [ res:variable "x" ; res:value ns0:services ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "y" ; res:value rdf:type ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "z" ; res:value "Tutorial" ] ] . _:_ res:solution [ res:binding [ res:variable "x" ; res:value ns0:wap ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "y" ; res:value rdf:type ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "z" ; res:value "Tutorial" ] ] . _:_ res:solution [ res:binding [ res:variable "x" ; res:value ns0:bpeldemo ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "y" ; res:value rdf:type ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "z" ; res:value "Tutorial" ] ] . _:_ res:solution [ res:binding [ res:variable "x" ; res:value ns0:web ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "y" ; res:value rdf:type ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "z" ; res:value "Tutorial" ] ] . _:_ res:solution [ 1 Rows. -- 281 msec. SQL>
