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  • VOS.VirtuosoAppODSUsers(1.1) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-13 05:38:28 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-13 05:38:28

    ODS Users Administration Implementation Guide

    The goal of the ODS Users Administration project is to port *.vsp user's pages to the following programming languages: AJAX, PHP and JSP.

    1. CVS location: The implemented pages are located in folder 'users' of the ODS Framework Application.
    2. Endpoint: The Endpoint is http://[host]:[port]/ods/users/[the name of the corresponding page].
    3. Implementation:
      1. Common files:
        • users_api.sql: contains ODS Users WEB Services API, which supports login, logout, register, etc..
        • oid_login.vsp: contains OpenID login and registration implementation.
        • css/users.css.
        • js/users.js: contains AJAX and common functions
        • js/oid_login.js: contains functions for OpenID login and registration
    4. After VAD installing new ODBC connection is created with name 'LocalVirtuosoDemo?'.

    List of supported Controllers

    1. Ruby Implementation?
    2. AJAX Implementation?
    3. PHP Implementation?
    4. JSP (Java Server Pages) Implementation?


    • The source code you can find here?.

    CategoryODS CategoryVirtuoso