---++<nowiki>WordPress</nowiki> RDF Views
Each WordPress installation includes a demonstration database that includes a management system schema and instance data. This sample database provides an easy route for introducing WordPress users and developers to the virtues of RDF based Linked Data Views built atop existing WordPress relational databases. In the sections that follow, we include links for the following:
1 Linked Data View Creation Script
1 Live Examples of Linked Data Views built using the script above.
|Live links to a sample RDF Views|View demo links [[VirtRDFViewWordpressDemo][here]]|
|Script to set up your own instance|View the script [[VirtRDFViewWordpressScript][here]].|
|*RDF View Type*|*Relational Database*|
|WordPress| |
| |[[WordPressSIOCRef][WordPress SIOC Reference]]|
| |[[http://ods.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/ODS/OdsIntegrationWordPress][WordPress Installation Guide]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewWordpress][Wordpress to RDF]]|
|Web 2.0 Platforms| |
| | [[VirtRDFViewPHPBB3][phpBB3 to RDF]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewMediaWiki][MediaWiki to RDF]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewDrupal][Drupal to RDF]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewBugzilla][Bugzilla to RDF]]|
|Semi-Structured Content Examples | |
| | [[VirtRDFViewDocs][Virtuoso Product Documentation (DocBook) to RDF]]|
| | [[VirtRDFViewTutorial][Virtuoso Online Tutorials to RDF]]|
|Enterprise Data Access & Integration| |
| |[[VirtRDFViewTutorialNorthwind][Virtuoso's Northwind based Demo Database (Tutorials variant) to RDF]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewNorthwind][SQL Server's Northwind Demo Database]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewsOracleHrDb][Oracle using the demonstration 'Human Resources' database]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewsDB2SampleDb][DB2 using the demonstration 'Sample' database]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewsInformixStoresDemo][Informix using demonstration 'Stores' database]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewsIngresTutDb][Ingres using demonstration 'Tutorial' database]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewsSybasePubs2Db][Sybase using demonstration 'pubs2' database]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewsProgressSQ89ISports][Progress (SQL-89) using demonstration 'iSports' database]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewsProgressSQ92ISports][Progress (SQL-92) using demonstration 'iSports' database]]|
| |[[VirtRDFBSBM][BSBM to RDF]]|
|ODS Applications RDF Views| |
| |[[VOSODSViews][ODS RDF Views]]|
| |[[VOSeCRMViews][eCRM Views]]|
|Business Intelligence||
| |[[VirtRDFViewTPCH][TPCH to RDF]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewTPCD][TPCD to RDF]]|
| | [[VirtRDFViewsThalia][Thalia to RDF]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewMusicbrainz][Musicbrainz to RDF]]|
CategoryVirtuoso CategoryRDF
---++<nowiki>WordPress</nowiki> RDF Views
Each WordPress installation includes a demonstration database that includes a management system schema and instance data. This sample database provides an easy route for introducing WordPress users and developers to the virtues of RDF based Linked Data Views built atop existing WordPress relational databases. In the sections that follow, we include links for the following:
1 Linked Data View Creation Script
1 Live Examples of Linked Data Views built using the script above.
|Live links to a sample RDF Views|View demo links [[VirtRDFViewWordpressDemo][here]]|
|Script to set up your own instance|View the script [[VirtRDFViewWordpressScript][here]].|
|*RDF View Type*|*Relational Database*|
|WordPress| |
| |[[WordPressSIOCRef][WordPress SIOC Reference]]|
| |[[http://ods.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/ODS/OdsIntegrationWordPress][WordPress Installation Guide]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewWordpress][Wordpress to RDF]]|
|Web 2.0 Platforms| |
| | [[VirtRDFViewPHPBB3][phpBB3 to RDF]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewMediaWiki][MediaWiki to RDF]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewDrupal][Drupal to RDF]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewBugzilla][Bugzilla to RDF]]|
|Semi-Structured Content Examples | |
| | [[VirtRDFViewDocs][Virtuoso Product Documentation (DocBook) to RDF]]|
| | [[VirtRDFViewTutorial][Virtuoso Online Tutorials to RDF]]|
|Enterprise Data Access & Integration| |
| |[[VirtRDFViewTutorialNorthwind][Virtuoso's Northwind based Demo Database (Tutorials variant) to RDF]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewNorthwind][SQL Server's Northwind Demo Database]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewsOracleHrDb][Oracle using the demonstration 'Human Resources' database]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewsDB2SampleDb][DB2 using the demonstration 'Sample' database]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewsInformixStoresDemo][Informix using demonstration 'Stores' database]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewsIngresTutDb][Ingres using demonstration 'Tutorial' database]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewsSybasePubs2Db][Sybase using demonstration 'pubs2' database]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewsProgressSQ89ISports][Progress (SQL-89) using demonstration 'iSports' database]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewsProgressSQ92ISports][Progress (SQL-92) using demonstration 'iSports' database]]|
| |[[VirtRDFBSBM][BSBM to RDF]]|
|ODS Applications RDF Views| |
| |[[VOSODSViews][ODS RDF Views]]|
| |[[VOSeCRMViews][eCRM Views]]|
|Business Intelligence||
| |[[VirtRDFViewTPCH][TPCH to RDF]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewTPCD][TPCD to RDF]]|
| | [[VirtRDFViewsThalia][Thalia to RDF]]|
| |[[VirtRDFViewMusicbrainz][Musicbrainz to RDF]]|
CategoryVirtuoso CategoryRDF