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  • VOS.ODSProfileManagerGuide(Last) -- Owiki? , 2018-04-19 06:23:31 Edit owiki 2018-04-19 06:23:31

    ODS Profile Manager Usage Guide

    The following guide shows how to manage your ODS User Profile.

    Accessing the ODS Profile Manager

    A logged-in user may access the ODS Profile Manager at any time through the link at the top of the page.

    1. Visit an ODS instance with your Web browser, <http://host:port/ods>, such as http://my.openlinksw.com/ods.
    2. Log in or register as an ODS user. (If you have ever registered with or downloaded from OpenLink Software, you have an existing account which uses your email address as the username. You can register now or get a password reminder, if needed.)

    3. Successful log-in and/or registration will bring you to the ODS user home page.

    4. Click the Edit link (next to, but not the same as, the Profile link) in the header bar, to access the ODS Profile Manager.

    Working with the ODS Profile Manager

    The ODS-Profile UI consist of the following tabs:

    1. Personal (the default starting point)
    2. Business?
    3. Security
    4. Associations & Web Services?
    5. Annotations?
    6. Validation?
    7. LDAP Servers?
    8. ACL Groups?
