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  • VOS.ODSWikiClusterAdministration(Last) -- Owiki? , 2018-04-19 06:25:07 Edit owiki 2018-04-19 06:25:07

    ODS Wiki Cluster Administration

    Create a Wiki cluster

    1. Using a web browser, login into you ODS user account, for example, <http://myopenlink/ods/>.
    2. Select the Wiki tab from the ODS Bar.
    3. Select the "Create New" Link.
    4. Enter your Wiki name, for example, myWiki.
    5. If you want to change the URL you see, just click the button "Change" next to the URL and write the new path.
    6. Click the button "Create and Launch Application", which will create a new Wiki instance (also called a "Wiki Cluster") myWiki.
    7. To customize your Wiki, look in Cluster Settings.


    CategoryODS CategoryWiki CategoryHowTo