How to subscribe to URL accessible iCalendar files?
- The subscriptions are defined in the preferences page. Click the Import /Export drop-down menu from the main left vertical navigation.
- Go to Manage Subscriptions.
- Click the "New subscription" button.
- In the shown form set the parameters as follows:
Here is sample scenario how to set subscriptions in iCalendar:
- Login at http://myopenlink.net:8890/ods/ as user demo
- Go to its Calendar
- Go to Import /Export -> Manage Subscriptions -> New Subscription
- In the shown form enter:
- Name: MyDemo? iCal
- Refresh type: every 1 hour
- Source type: URL
- WebDAV path/URL: http://demo.openlinksw.com/dataspace/demo/calendar/mycalendar/gems/calendar.ics
- Username and password: demo
- Click the button "Create".
- As result the subscription will be created.
- You can click the "Sync" button in order to force synchronization.
- As result, in the "Status" column will be shown the result of the synchronization.
- Now click the "Back" button.
- Go to tab "Tasks".
- As result will be shown the retrieved from the subscription above task "Task-Demo".
CategoryODS CategoryCalendar CategoryOdsCalendar