%VOSWARNING% %VOSNAV% %TOC% ---++ODS Calendar SIOC Reference This article outlines the mapping of ODS Calendar data to the SIOC ontology for the purpose of constructing [[SPARQL]] Queries against OpenLink Data Spaces [[ODS]] Calendar Data. ---+++Key ODS-Calendar to SIOC Mappings |ODS|SIOC|Sample Value| |Application Instance|rdf:type|sioc:Container| |Application Type|rdf:type|sioct:Calendar| Note: Default Graph URI value used in the queries below is: http://demo.openlinksw.com/dataspace * [[SIOCRefCalendarExample1][Data Space Post/Entry/Item Properties (sioc:Post predicates)]] * [[SIOCRefCalendarExample2][Dump of all Events for a given Calendar]] * [[SIOCRefCalendarExample3][Dump of all Events for a given Calendar including content]] * [[SIOCRefCalendarExample4][Dump of Events with details for a given Calendar]] CategoryRDF CategorySIOC CategorySKOS CategorySPARQL CategoryFOAF CategoryCalendar %VOSCOPY%