Virtuoso Sesame RDF Data Provider (Obsolete)
- see VirtSesame2Provider for current work
The Virtuoso Sesame RDF Data Provider enables Semantic Web applications written using the Sesame RDF Frameworks to query the Virtuoso RDF Quad store directly. The Provider has been tested against the Sesame 1.2.7 version currently available.
Required Files
The Virtuoso Sesame Provider is packaged as a JAR file which is attached:
The required Sesame and associated classes are also attached:
The sample program are attached:
Compiling Sesame Sample Programs
The sample Sesame applications can be compiled as follows:
- Edit the sample programs VirtuosoExampleX.java, where X = 1 to 2 and set the JDBC connection strings within to point to a valid Virtuoso Server instance of the form:
"jdbc:virtuoso://localhost:1111", "dba", "dba"
- Compile the Sesame Sample applications using the following command:
javac -Xlint -classpath "xercesImpl.jar:lib/log4j-1.2.12.jar:commons-logging-1.1.jar:concurrent.jar:icu4j_3_4.jar:junit.jar:json.jar:openrdf-model.jar:iri.jar:sesame.jar:rio.jar:openrdf-util.jar:virt_sesame.jar" VirtuosoExample2.java VirtuosoExample1.java
Note: You need to ensure all required JAR files are locatable with an appropriate CLASSPATH setting.
Once the Provider classes and sample program have been successfully compiled as indicated in the previous section, the Provider can then be tested using the two sample providers included
- Run the
VirtuosoExample1 as follows:
java -classpath "xercesImpl.jar:log4j-1.2.12.jar:commons-logging-1.1.jar:concurrent.jar:icu4j_3_4.jar:junit.jar:json.jar:openrdf-model.jar:iri.jar:sesame.jar:rio.jar:openrdf-util.jar:virt_sesame.jar:." VirtuosoExample1
- This sample program returns a count for triples from the URI 'http://demo.openlinksw.com/dataspace/person/demo#this"
- Run the
VirtuosoExample2 as follows:
java -classpath "xercesImpl.jar:log4j-1.2.12.jar:commons-logging-1.1.jar:concurrent.jar:icu4j_3_4.jar:junit.jar:json.jar:openrdf-model.jar:iri.jar:sesame.jar:rio.jar:openrdf-util.jar:virt_sesame.jar:." VirtuosoExample2
- This sample program reads and returns a count of the records in the included "data.nt" file.
CategoryRDF CategoryOpenSource CategoryVirtuoso CategoryVOS CategorySesame CategoryDocumentation CategoryObsolete