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%META:TOPICPARENT{name="VOSIndex"}% ---+ RDF Graph Security in Virtuoso Controlling access to Named Graphs, and especially to groups of such, is critical to constructing a security matrix for any Graph DBMS. This article describes how to do so in Virtuoso. %TOC% ---++ RDF Graph Groups In some cases, the data set against which a SPARQL query will be run is not known at compile time. It is possible to pass IRIs of source graphs via parameters, but the method is not perfect. * Some protocols are not suitable for passing such parameters, and no protocol is a universally interoperable standard. * Passing a list of IRIs as a parameter can require the use of Virtuoso-specific functions in the text of the SPARQL query, which causes some query builders to reject the query. * Lack of knowledge about actual graphs may damage query optimization. It can be helpful to create and name lists of graphs, so you can write a query like "<code>SELECT FROM &lt;all graph names in this list&gt;</code>." <b>Graph groups</b> is a Virtuoso-specific SPARQL extension to serve this purpose. Users create named lists of IRIs, and when the name of the list is used in a <code>FROM</code> clause, like <code>IRI</code> of default graph, Virtuoso treats it as equivalent to a list of <code>FROM</code> clauses, one clause for each item in the list. * <b><code>FROM</code></b> supports graph groups. * <b><code>FROM NAMED</code></b> supports only plain graphs. Internally, descriptions of graph groups are kept in two tables: <b>Table of graph groups:</b> <verbatim> CREATE TABLE DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP ( RGG_IID IRI_ID NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY , -- IRI ID of RGG_IRI field RGG_IRI VARCHAR NOT NULL, -- Name of the group RGG_MEMBER_PATTERN VARCHAR, -- Member IRI pattern RGG_COMMENT VARCHAR -- Comment ); CREATE INDEX RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_IRI ON DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP (RGG_IRI); </verbatim> <b>Table of contents of groups:</b> <verbatim> CREATE TABLE DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_MEMBER ( RGGM_GROUP_IID IRI_ID NOT NULL, -- IRI_ID of the group RGGM_MEMBER_IID IRI_ID NOT NULL, -- IRI_ID of the group member PRIMARY KEY (RGGM_GROUP_IID, RGGM_MEMBER_IID) ); </verbatim> Fields <code><nowiki>RGG_MEMBER_PATTERN</nowiki></code> and <code><nowiki>RGG_COMMENT</nowiki></code> are not used by system internals, but applications may wish to write their data there for future reference. <code><nowiki>RGG_COMMENT</nowiki></code> is supposed to be a human-readable description of the group, and <code><nowiki>RGG_MEMBER_PATTERN</nowiki></code> may be useful for functions that automatically add IRIs of a given graph to all graph groups such that the graph IRI string matches <code><nowiki>RGG_MEMBER_PATTERN</nowiki></code> regexp patterns. A dictionary of all groups and their members is cached in memory for fast access. For this reason, applications may read these tables and modify <code><nowiki>RGG_MEMBER_PATTERN</nowiki></code> and <code><nowiki>RGG_COMMENT</nowiki></code> if needed, but may not change other fields directly. The following API procedures make changes in a safe way. * <b><code><nowiki>DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_CREATE</nowiki></code></b> creates a new empty graph group. An error is signaled if the group already exists and the quiet parameter is zero. <verbatim> DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_CREATE ( IN group_iri VARCHAR, IN quiet INTEGER, IN member_pattern VARCHAR := NULL, IN comment VARCHAR := NULL ); </verbatim> * <b><code><nowiki>DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_INS</nowiki></code></b> adds a member to an existing group. Re-inserting an existing member will not raise an error, but a missing group will be signaled. <verbatim> DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_INS ( IN group_iri VARCHAR, IN memb_iri VARCHAR ); </verbatim> * <b><code><nowiki>DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_DEL</nowiki></code></b> removes a member from an existing group. Removing a non-existent member will not raise an error, but a missing group will be signaled. <verbatim> DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_DEL ( IN group_iri VARCHAR, IN memb_iri VARCHAR ); </verbatim> * <b><code><nowiki>DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_DROP</nowiki></code></b> removes a graph group. An error is raised if the group did not exist before the call and the quiet parameter is zero. <verbatim> DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_DROP ( IN group_iri VARCHAR, IN quiet INTEGER ); </verbatim> Graph groups are <i>"macro-expanded"</i> only in <code>FROM</code> clauses and have no effect on <code>FROM NAMED</code> nor on <code>GRAPH &lt;IRI&gt; {...}</code>. Technically, it is permissible to use the same IRI as both a plain graph IRI and a graph group IRI in one database, but this is confusing and is not recommended. Graph groups cannot be "nested" as members of other graph groups, i.e., every IRI appearing in the list of members of a graph group will be treated as a plain graph IRI, and will not cause recursive expansion of groups even if it is (also) the name of another graph group. ---++ NOT FROM and NOT FROM NAMED Clauses In addition to standard <code>FROM</code> and <code>FROM NAMED</code> clauses, Virtuoso extends SPARQL with <b><code>NOT FROM</code></b> and <b><code>NOT FROM NAMED</code></b> clauses which exclude the graphs named therein from the queried data set. * <b><code>NOT FROM</code></b> supports graph groups. * <b><code>NOT FROM NAMED</code></b> supports only plain graphs. <verbatim> SELECT ... NOT FROM <x> ... WHERE {...} </verbatim> means "select from other graphs, but not from the named one". So if -- <verbatim> <> </verbatim> -- is a graph group of all graphs with confidential data about users, then -- <verbatim> SELECT * NOT FROM <> WHERE {...} </verbatim> -- will be restricted only to insecure data. <code>NOT FROM</code> overrides any <code>FROM</code>, and <code>NOT FROM NAMED</code> overrides any <code>FROM NAMED</code>; the order of these clauses in the query text is not important. The SPARQL web service endpoint configuration string may contain pragmas that get equivalent treatment as these SPARQL clauses -- | *Pragma* | *Equivalent SPARQL Clause* | | <b><code>input:default-graph-exclude</code></b> | <code>NOT FROM</code> | | <b><code>input:named-graph-exclude</code></b> | <code>NOT FROM NAMED</code> | | <b><code>input:default-graph-uri</code></b> | <code>FROM</code> | | <b><code>input:named-graph-uri</code></b> | <code>FROM NAMED</code> | | ---++ Graph-Level Security Virtuoso supports graph-level security for "physical" RDF storage. This is somewhat similar to table-level security in SQL. However, the differences between the SPARQL and SQL data models result in a totally different style of security administration. In SQL, when a new application is installed, it typically comes with its own set of tables, and every query in its code explicitly specifies tables in use. Security restrictions of two applications interfere only if the applications know about each other and are supposedly designed to cooperate. It is possible to write an application that will get a list of available tables and retrieve data from any given table, but that is a special case and it usually requires DBA privileges. With RDF and SPARQL, data from many different applications is all found in one table, and the query language allows selection from the data of all applications at once. This feature makes SPARQL convenient for cross-application data integration. At the same time, it become a giant security hole if any sensitive data are found in the graph store. Blindly copying the SQL security model to the SPARQL domain would result in a significant loss of performance, weak security, or even both of these problems at the same time. That is why the SPARQL model is made much more restrictive, even if it becomes inconvenient for some administration tasks. Graph-level security does not replace traditional SQL security. A user should become a member of an appropriate group (e.g., <code><nowiki>SPARQL_SELECT</nowiki></code>, <code><nowiki>SPARQL_SPONGE</nowiki></code>, or <code><nowiki>SPARQL_UPDATE</nowiki></code>) in order to start using its graph-level privileges. ---+++ Understanding Default Permissions In relational databases, default permissions are trivial. DBA is usually the only account that can access any and all tables, for both read and write. Making some table public or private does not affect applications that do not refer to that table in their code. Tables are always created before making security restrictions on them. Chances are very low that an application will unintentionally create some SQL table and fill it with confidential data. There are no unauthenticated users; every client has some user ID, and no one user is "default user", so the permissions of any two users are always independent. On the other hand, SPARQL access can be anonymous, and graphs may be created during routine data manipulation. For the anonymous user, only public resources are available. Thus "default permissions" on some or all graphs are actually permissions of the "<code>nobody</code>" user, (the numeric ID of this user can be obtained with the <b><code><nowiki>http_nobody_uid()</nowiki></code></b> function call). As a consequence, there's a strong need for a "default user permission"; this is the only way to specify what to do with all graphs that may ever exist. An attempt to make default permissions wider than specific is always a potential security hole in SPARQL, so this is strictly prohibited. Four sorts of access are specified by four bits of an integer "permission bit-mask", following plain old UNIX style: | *Bit* | *Permits* | *Notes* | | 1 | Read access. | | | 2 | Update access (i.e., Write via SPARUL). | Basically useless without bit 1 set. | | 4 | Sponge access (i.e., Write via "RDF Network Resource Fetch" methods). | Basically useless without bits 1 and 2 set. | | 8 | Listing the members of a graph group. |As discussed above, an IRI can be used as a graph IRI and as a graph group IRI at the same time, so bit 8 can be freely combined with any of bits 1, 2 or 4. | Note that obtaining the list of members of a graph group does not grant any access permissions to triples from those member graphs. It is quite safe to mix secure and public graphs in one graph group. When a SPARQL query should check whether a given user has permission to access a given graph, the order of checks is as follows: 1. permissions of the user on the specific graph; 2. default permissions of the user on all graphs; 3. public permissions on the specific graph; 4. public permissions on all graphs. If no listed permission is set, then access is "read/write/sponge/list". For user "<code>nobody</code>", steps 3 and 4 are skipped, because they are always exact copies of steps 1 and 2. ---+++ Initial Configuration of SPARQL Security It is generally most convenient to configure the RDF storage security by adding restrictions in reverse order of permission checking. 1. Set public permissions on all graphs to the most restricted level of any application that will be installed. So if any single graph should be unreadable by the public, then public permissions on all graphs should be set to <b>0</b> or <b>8</b>. 2. Set public permissions on "insecure" graphs; e.g., if the database contains DBpedia, WordNet, or some other Linking Open Data project, then public permissions for such graphs might be set to <b>1</b>. 3. Configure trusted users, such as administrative DBA-like accounts, and specify their permissions on all graphs. <i>Note that there's no need to grant anything to the DBA account itself, because (like Unix's <code>root</code> user), DBA's default permissions are set automatically.</i> 4. Grant any appropriate additional rights on specific graphs to specific users. ---+++ Configuring a New User 1. Grant <code>SPARQL_SELECT</code>, <code>SPARQL_SPONGE</code>, and/or <code>SPARQL_UPDATE</code> to the user. 2. Set the user's permissions on all graphs. 3. Grant specific rights on some specific graphs to the user. ---++ Example: Blogs and Resource Sharing Consider a "groupware" application that let users create personal resources with access policies. ---+++ <nowiki>1.</nowiki> Stop Replication <verbatim> DB.DBA.RDF_REPL_STOP(); </verbatim> ---+++ <nowiki>2.</nowiki> Remove Replication <verbatim> registry_remove ('DB.DBA.RDF_REPL'); </verbatim> ---+++ <nowiki>3.</nowiki> Create several users Create a few users: <verbatim> DB.DBA.USER_CREATE ('Anna', 'Anna'); DB.DBA.USER_CREATE ('Brad', 'Brad'); DB.DBA.USER_CREATE ('Carl', 'Carl'); GRANT SPARQL_UPDATE TO "Anna"; GRANT SPARQL_UPDATE TO "Brad"; GRANT SPARQL_UPDATE TO "Carl"; </verbatim> ---+++ <nowiki>4.</nowiki> Set the overall graph store permission Remembering that some graphs within are supposed to be confidential, the whole quad store is first set to confidential. <verbatim> DB.DBA.RDF_DEFAULT_USER_PERMS_SET ('nobody', 0); </verbatim> ---+++ <nowiki>5.</nowiki> Set basic privileges for each user In this example, none of the individual users will have global access to graphs: <verbatim> DB.DBA.RDF_DEFAULT_USER_PERMS_SET ('Anna', 0); DB.DBA.RDF_DEFAULT_USER_PERMS_SET ('Brad', 0); DB.DBA.RDF_DEFAULT_USER_PERMS_SET ('Carl', 0); </verbatim> ---+++ <nowiki>6.</nowiki> Grant Specific Privileges on Specific Graphs to Specific Users ---++++ <nowiki>6.1.</nowiki> Anna can read from (but not write to) her personal system data graph <verbatim> DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('', 'Anna', 1); </verbatim> ---++++ <nowiki>6.2.</nowiki> Anna can read from and write to her private data graph <verbatim> DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('', 'Anna', 3); </verbatim> ---++++ <nowiki>6.3.</nowiki> Anna and Brad are friends and can read from each other's notes for friends <verbatim> DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('', 'Anna', 3); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('', 'Brad', 1); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('', 'Brad', 3); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('', 'Anna', 1); </verbatim> ---++++ <nowiki>6.4.</nowiki> Brad and Carl share write access to the graph for their company <verbatim> DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('', 'Brad', 3); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('', 'Carl', 3); </verbatim> ---++++ <nowiki>6.5.</nowiki> Anna writes a blog for the public to read <verbatim> DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('', 'Anna', 3); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('', 'nobody', 1); </verbatim> ---++++ <nowiki>6.7</nowiki> Set permissions on DBpedia and other graphs intended for public consumption DBpedia is public read, and the local discussion wiki is both readable and writable: <verbatim> DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('', 'nobody', 1); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('', 'nobody', 3); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('', 'nobody', 3); </verbatim> ---++++ <nowiki>6.8</nowiki> Graph groups security Graph groups get their own security: <verbatim> DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_CREATE ('', 1); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_INS ('', ''); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_INS ('', ''); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_INS ('', ''); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_INS ('', ''); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('', 'Anna', 8); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('', 'Brad', 8); </verbatim> ---+++ <nowiki>7.</nowiki> Sample query demonstrating permission effects If Anna and Brad execute the same <verbatim> SELECT * FROM <> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } </verbatim> their results will be totally different. Users will not get access to each other's data. ---++ Application Callbacks for Graph Level Security In some cases, different applications should provide different security for different users. Two SPARQL pragmas are provided for this purpose: | *Pragma* | *Effect* | | <b><code><nowiki>sql:gs-app-callback</nowiki></code></b> | Specifies the Virtuoso/PL callback function that returns permission bits for a given graph. | | <b><code><nowiki>sql:gs-app-uid</nowiki></code></b> | Specifies an application-specific user ID, which is some string that is passed to the callback "as is". | The name of the callback is always <b><code><nowiki>DB.DBA.SPARQL_GS_APP_CALLBACK_nnn</nowiki></code></b>, where <code>nnn</code> is value of <code><nowiki>sql:gs-app-callback</nowiki></code>. The callback is called only if the application has access to the graph in question, so it may further restrict the caller's account but it cannot grant more permissions. ---+++ Example Let the user of an application get full access to graphs whose IRIs contain the user's name in their path. In addition, let all of them have permission to use all graph groups and let the user "<code>moderator</code>" read everything. <verbatim> RECONNECT "dba"; CREATE FUNCTION DB.DBA.SPARQL_GS_APP_CALLBACK_TEST ( IN g_iid IRI_ID, IN app_uid VARCHAR ) RETURNS INTEGER { DECLARE g_uri VARCHAR; -- A fake IRI ID #i0 is used to mention account's default permissions for all graphs. IF (#i0 = g_iid) { IF ('moderator' = app_uid) RETURN 9; -- Moderator can read and list everything. RETURN 8; -- Other users can list everything. } g_uri := id_to_iri (g_iid); IF (strstr (g_uri, '/' || app_uid || '/')) RETURN 15; -- User has full access to "his" graph. RETURN 8; -- User can list any given graph group. } ; SPARQL DEFINE sql:gs-app-callback "TEST" DEFINE sql:gs-app-uid "Anna" SELECT ?g ?s WHERE { ?s <p> ?o } ; </verbatim> ---++ Related * [[][Virtuoso graph delta sync functionality]] * [[][WebID ACL and 3rd party storage services Guide]] * [[][Using Social Relationship Semantics & WebID to Drive Resource Access Control]]
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