. . "semantics" . "The log:semantics of a document is the formula.\nachieved by parsing representation of the document.\n For a document in Notation3, log:semantics is the\nlog:parsedAsN3 of the log:contents of the document.\nFor a document in RDF/XML, it is parsed according to the\nRDF/XML specification to yield an RDF formula\n(a subclass of N3 log:Formula).\n\n[Aside: Philosophers will be distracted here into worrying about the meaning\nof meaning. At least we didn't call this function \"meaning\"!\nIn as much as N3 is used as an interlingua for interoperability\nfor different systems, this for an N3 based system is the meaning \nexpressed by a document.]\n\n(Cwm knows how to go get a document and parse N3 and RDF/XML\nit in order to evaluate this.\nOther languages for web documents \nmay be defined whose N3 semantics are therefore\nalso calculable, and so they could be added in due course.\nSee for example GRDDL, RDFa, etc)" . .