_:vb97377 . _:vb37951 "Initial description." . _:vb82570 "Initial description." . _:vb97441 "Initial description." . _:vb95991 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb96151 . _:vb96087 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb96023 "Initial description." . _:vb82602 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb97441 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb37951 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb82602 "Initial description." . _:vb82602 "2008-05-xx" . . _:vb95959 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb53147 "Initial description." . _:vb96055 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb96055 "Initial description." . _:vb96023 . _:vb97409 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb37983 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96087 . _:vb82570 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb95927 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb96023 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb95959 . _:vb82602 . _:vb53115 "Sean Bechhofer" . . _:vb37983 . _:vb97409 . _:vb53147 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb97345 "Initial description." . _:vb53147 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb53115 . _:vb97345 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96151 "Initial description." . "An ordered collection of concepts, where both the grouping and the ordering are meaningful."@en . _:vb97345 . _:vb97377 "Initial description." . _:vb96023 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb97377 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb95959 "Initial description." . _:vb97377 "2008-05-xx" . "Ordered collections can be used with collectable semantic relation properties, where you would like a set of concepts to be displayed in a specific order, and optionally under a 'node label'."@en . _:vb96055 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb97409 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96151 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb95991 "Initial description." . _:vb97345 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb96055 . _:vb95927 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96087 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb97441 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb53115 "Initial description." . _:vb96119 . _:vb37983 "Initial description." . _:vb95927 . _:vb95959 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb53147 . "Ordered Collection"@en . _:vb96119 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb53115 "2008-05-xx" . "2008-05-xx" . _:vb82570 . _:vb95927 "Initial description." . _:vb95991 . _:vb37951 . _:vb95991 "Sean Bechhofer" . . _:vb96151 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb97441 . _:vb96087 "Initial description." . _:vb37983 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb97409 "Initial description." . _:vb96119 "Initial description." . _:vb96119 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb82570 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb37951 "2008-05-xx" .