_:vb53119 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb95995 . _:vb95931 . _:vb53119 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb37987 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb53151 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb97349 "Initial description." . _:vb82606 . _:vb97349 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96155 "Initial description." . _:vb97413 . _:vb96123 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb37955 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb97349 . "2008-05-xx" . "The preferred lexical label for a resource, in a given language."@en . _:vb97381 "Initial description." . _:vb96027 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb97381 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb95963 "Initial description." . _:vb95995 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb96091 "2008-05-xx" . "The range of skos:prefLabel is the class of RDF plain literals."@en . _:vb97445 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb96155 . _:vb97413 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96059 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb82606 "2008-05-xx" . . _:vb95995 "Initial description." . _:vb95963 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb53119 . _:vb96059 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb96091 . _:vb97413 "2008-05-xx" . . _:vb37955 "Initial description." . _:vb95931 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96027 . _:vb97445 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96091 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb82574 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb53119 "Initial description." . _:vb95931 "2008-05-xx" . "skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel and skos:hiddenLabel are pairwise disjoint properties."@en . _:vb96027 "2008-05-xx" . "No two concepts in the same concept scheme may have the same value for skos:prefLabel in a given language."@en . _:vb95963 . _:vb37987 "Initial description." . _:vb37987 . _:vb95963 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96123 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb95931 "Initial description." . . _:vb95995 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96155 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb53151 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb96091 "Initial description." . _:vb82574 . _:vb97413 "Initial description." . _:vb97445 . _:vb96123 "Initial description." . _:vb82574 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb97381 . _:vb97381 "2008-05-xx" . "preferred label"@en . _:vb97445 "Initial description." . _:vb82574 "Initial description." . _:vb53151 . _:vb96027 "Initial description." . _:vb82606 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96155 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb37955 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb97349 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb82606 "Initial description." . _:vb53151 "Initial description." . _:vb96059 "Initial description." . _:vb96123 . _:vb37987 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96059 . _:vb37955 .