_:vb37969 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96137 "Initial description." . _:vb97363 . _:vb95945 . _:vb37969 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb97427 . _:vb96009 . _:vb97427 "Initial description." . _:vb96169 "Initial description." . _:vb38001 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb95945 "Initial description." . _:vb96105 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb96073 . _:vb97459 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb96137 . _:vb97459 "Initial description." . _:vb82620 "2008-05-xx" . "A concept with which there is an associative semantic relationship."@en . _:vb95977 "Initial description." . _:vb95977 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb96073 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb53133 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb97427 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb82588 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb95945 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb96041 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb53165 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb37969 "Initial description." . _:vb97363 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96009 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb53165 . _:vb82588 . _:vb96009 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb38001 "Initial description." . _:vb97395 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96041 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb38001 . _:vb53165 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb96073 "Initial description." . _:vb97395 . _:vb96073 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb97427 "Sean Bechhofer" . . _:vb95977 . _:vb97459 . _:vb53133 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb97363 "Initial description." . _:vb96105 "Initial description." . _:vb96041 . _:vb95945 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96105 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb97459 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb97395 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb96105 . _:vb96009 "Initial description." . _:vb97395 "Initial description." . "skos:related is disjoint with skos:broaderTransitive"@en . _:vb96169 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb96169 . . _:vb95977 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96137 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb97363 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb82588 "Initial description." . "2008-05-xx" . _:vb53133 "Initial description." . _:vb96041 "Initial description." . _:vb96137 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb96169 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb82620 "Initial description." . _:vb53165 "Initial description." . _:vb82620 . _:vb53133 . _:vb82588 "Sean Bechhofer" . . "related to"@en . _:vb37969 . _:vb38001 "2008-05-xx" . . _:vb82620 "Sean Bechhofer" .