_:vb95962 . _:vb82605 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb53118 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96026 . _:vb37986 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb97348 . _:vb97348 "Initial description." . _:vb53150 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96090 . "Relates a concept to the concept scheme that it is a top level concept of."@en . _:vb97348 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96154 "Initial description." . _:vb96154 . _:vb96122 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb97412 . _:vb37954 "2008-05-xx" . . _:vb97380 "Initial description." . _:vb96026 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb97380 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb95962 "Initial description." . _:vb95994 "2008-05-xx" . . _:vb96090 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb97444 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb53118 . _:vb97412 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96058 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb82605 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb95962 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb95994 "Initial description." . _:vb96058 "2008-05-xx" . "top concept in scheme"@en . _:vb97412 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb37954 "Initial description." . _:vb95930 "Sean Bechhofer" . . _:vb97444 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96090 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb82573 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb53118 "Initial description." . _:vb95930 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb82573 . _:vb96026 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb37986 . . _:vb37986 "Initial description." . _:vb95930 . _:vb95962 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96122 "Sean Bechhofer" . "2008-05-xx" . _:vb95930 "Initial description." . _:vb95994 . _:vb96058 . _:vb95994 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb96154 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb97380 . _:vb96090 "Initial description." . _:vb53150 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb96122 . _:vb97444 . _:vb97412 "Initial description." . _:vb96122 "Initial description." . _:vb97380 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb82573 "Initial description." . _:vb97444 "Initial description." . _:vb96026 "Initial description." . . _:vb96154 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb37954 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb97348 "2008-05-xx" . _:vb82605 "Initial description." . _:vb53150 "Initial description." . _:vb96058 "Initial description." . . _:vb53150 . _:vb37986 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb82605 . _:vb82573 "Sean Bechhofer" . _:vb37954 . _:vb53118 "2008-05-xx" .