"The W3C Linked Data Platform (LDP) Vocabulary" . _:vb100536 . _:vb100533 . _:vb100534 . _:vb41735 . _:vb100535 . _:vb100540 . _:vb100539 "Ashok Malhotra" . _:vb95760 "Steve Speicher" . _:vb95765 "John Arwe" . _:vb41728 . _:vb95767 . _:vb41729 . _:vb41730 . . _:vb100538 "John Arwe" . "Vocabulary URIs defined in the Linked Data Platform (LDP) namespace." . _:vb41732 . _:vb41733 . _:vb56821 . _:vb41734 . _:vb41731 . _:vb56819 "John Arwe" . _:vb41735 . . _:vb95764 "Steve Speicher" . _:vb100535 "Ashok Malhotra" . _:vb95760 . _:vb95761 "John Arwe" . _:vb95761 . _:vb95762 . _:vb95764 . _:vb100534 "John Arwe" . _:vb95765 . "This ontology provides an informal representation of the concepts and terms as defined in the LDP specification. Consult the LDP specification for normative reference." . _:vb95766 . "ldp" . _:vb41734 "Ashok Malhotra" . _:vb41728 "Steve Speicher" . _:vb56817 . _:vb95766 "Ashok Malhotra" . _:vb56814 "Steve Speicher" . "2015-02-26"^^ . _:vb56814 . _:vb100536 . _:vb56815 "John Arwe" . "http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#" . _:vb56821 . _:vb41733 "John Arwe" . _:vb56815 . _:vb56820 "Ashok Malhotra" . _:vb100533 "Steve Speicher" . _:vb41730 "Ashok Malhotra" . _:vb41732 "Steve Speicher" . _:vb95763 . . _:vb95767 . _:vb95762 "Ashok Malhotra" . . "W3C Linked Data Platform (LDP)" . _:vb41731 . . . _:vb100540 . . _:vb41729 "John Arwe" . _:vb56816 . _:vb100537 . _:vb100538 . _:vb100537 "Steve Speicher" . _:vb95763 . _:vb56818 "Steve Speicher" . _:vb56816 "Ashok Malhotra" . _:vb56818 . _:vb100539 . _:vb56819 . _:vb56820 . _:vb56817 .