Virtuoso Open-Source Edition

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  • VOS.VirtSparqlCxmlGlossaryHtml(Last) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-13 05:44:07 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-13 05:44:07

    Pivot Collections (Part 9)


    Part 1: Introduction

    Part 2: SparqlCxml

    Part 3: SparqlCxml Deep Zoom Collections

    Part 4: HtmlPivotViewer

    Part 5: Importing CXML

    Part 6: Facet Pivot Bridge

    Part 7: DETs : Persisting SPARQL Query Results to DAV

    Part 8: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Part 9: Glossary



    • The terms ABox and TBox describe the two types of statement which make up a knowledge base. TBox statements belong to the "terminological box", ABox statements to the "assertional box". Both terms originate from Description Logic which provides a logical formalism underpinning ontologies and the Semantic Web. TBox statements describe the vocabulary (classes and properties) used by the knowledge base. ABox statements make assertions about instances of those classes, i.e about instance data. In the context of PivotViewer, ABox images are custom images which are specific to a particular collection item, that is they typically depict that particular item. TBox images are generic icons representing a particular class of item.


    • See ABox