Virtuoso Open-Source Edition

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  • VOS.VirtTipsAndTricksDeleteGraphProc(Last) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-13 05:48:32 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-13 05:48:32

    How can I delete graphs using stored procedure?

    The following script demonstrates the use of custom stored procedures for deleting graph(s). It first creates a table GRAPHS_TO_DELETE, into which the names of the graphs to be deleted should be inserted, as follows:

    use MYUSR;
    create procedure GRAPHS_TO_DELETE_SP (in gd_iris any)
      declare gd_iri iri_id;
      declare dp, row any;
      result_names (gd_iri);
      dp := dpipe (0, '__I2IDN');
      foreach (varchar iri in GD_IRIS) do
          dpipe_input (dp, iri);
      while (0 <> (row := dpipe_next (dp, 0)))
          result (row[0]);
    drop view GRAPHS_TO_DELETE_VIEW;
    create procedure view GRAPHS_TO_DELETE_VIEW as MYUSR.DBA.GRAPHS_TO_DELETE_SP (gd_iris) (gd_iri any);
    create procedure DELETE_GRAPHS (in g_iris any)
      declare g_iids any;
      if (not isvector (g_iris) and g_iris is not null)
        signal ('22023', '.....', 'The input argument must be an array of strings or null');
      if (not length (g_iris))
        return 0;
      delete from DB.DBA.RDF_QUAD where G in (select * from GRAPHS_TO_DELETE_VIEW where gd_iris = g_iris) option (loop exists);
      return row_count ();

    Finally call the procedure DELETE_GRAPHS to perform the deletion of the specified graphs. Note it does not return a result set and can be called as follows:

    SQL> select MYUSR.DBA.DELETE_GRAPHS (vector ('g1', 'g2', 'g3'));

    This will return the number of triples removed from the specified graphs.

    Note: the procedure only applies to the cluster so to get IRI IDs via partitioned pipe (DAQ). It is not usable on single.
