Virtuoso Open-Source Edition

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  • VOS.VirtTipsAndTricksGuideConductorR2RML(Last) -- Owiki? , 2018-04-13 12:08:41 Edit owiki 2018-04-13 12:08:41

    Generate Transient and/or Persistent Linked Data Views atop Remote Relational Data Sources

    This simple scenario demonstrates how you can generate R2RML Scripts from Linked Data Views, using the Virtuoso Conductor ODBC or JDBC accessible.



    1. Go to http://<cname>[:<port>]/conductor.
    2. Enter dba credentials.
    3. Go to Linked Data -> Views:

    4. Select Qualifier Demo:

    5. Select table(s) by hatching the check-box to the left of the table name; for example, select the following tables from the Northwind DB: Categories, Customers, Employees, Order_Details, Orders, Products .

    6. Click Generate via Wizard:

    7. Click Prepare to Execute.
    8. The R2RML script for the selected table(s) will be generated and displayed in the R2RML Graph text-area:

    9. You can also view the R2RML script generated while writing this example.
