Virtuoso Open-Source Edition

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  • VOS.VirtTipsAndTricksGuideCustomCrawlerPL(Last) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-13 05:49:17 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-13 05:49:17

    How can I write custom crawler using PL?

    The following code is an example of loading data via crawler with special function to generate link for downloading:

    create procedure EUROPEANA_STORE (in _host varchar, in _url varchar, in _root varchar, inout _content varchar, in _s_etag varchar, in _c_type varchar, in store_flag int := 1, in udata any := null, in lev int := 0)
       declare url varchar;
       declare xt, xp any;
       declare old_mode int;
       xt := xtree_doc (_content, 2);
       xp := xpath_eval ('//table//tr/td/a[@href]/text()', xt, 0);
       commit work;
       old_mode := log_enable (3,1);
       foreach (any u in xp) do
           u := cast (u as varchar);
           url := sprintf ('', u);
           dbg_printf ('%s', u);
    	   declare continue handler for sqlstate '*' { 
    	     dbg_printf ('ERROR: %s', __SQL_MESSAGE);
    	   SPARQL LOAD ?:url into GRAPH ?:u;
       log_enable (old_mode, 1);
       return WS.WS.LOCAL_STORE (_host, _url, _root, _content, _s_etag, _c_type, store_flag, 0);
