How Do I Gecode Data?
Automatic geocoding of data in quad store.
Enable exploitation of SPARQL-GEO for geospatial oriented queries.
To gecode data one should call the
rdf_geo_fill API from Conductor or iSQL:
SQL> rdf_geo_fill ();
Done. -- 282 msec.
SPARQL-GEO sample queries
All Educational Institutions within 10km of Oxford, UK:
SELECT DISTINCT ?thing AS ?uri ?thingLabel AS ?name ?date AS ?established ?lat ?long WHERE
<> geo:geometry ?sourcegeo .
?resource geo:geometry ?matchgeo .
?resource geo:lat ?lat .
?resource geo:long ?long .
FILTER ( bif:st_intersects ( ?matchgeo, ?sourcegeo, 5 ) ) .
?thing ?somelink ?resource .
?thing <> ?date .
?thing rdfs:label ?thingLabel .
FILTER ( lang ( ?thingLabel ) = "en" )
Things within close proximity of London:
SELECT DISTINCT ?resource ?label ?location WHERE
<> geo:geometry ?sourcegeo .
?resource geo:geometry ?location ; rdfs:label ?label .
FILTER ( bif:st_intersects ( ?location, ?sourcegeo, 20 ) ) .
FILTER ( lang ( ?label ) = "en" )