Virtuoso Open-Source Edition

  • Topic
  • Discussion
  • Working with SPARQL endpoint constraints via LIMIT & OFFSET

    The DBpedia SPARQL endpoint is configured with the following Virtuoso INI setting:

    MaxSortedTopRows = 40000

    This setting sets a threshold on sorted rows. SPARQL queries that include OFFSET and LIMIT will feel the effect of the hard limit set in the INI. For instance, this query --

      DEFINE  sql:big-data-const 0 
        FROM <>
           ?s  ?p  <> 
    ORDER BY  ASC(?p)
      OFFSET  40000
       LIMIT  1000

    -- will return the following error on execution --

    HttpException: 500 SPARQL Request Failed
    Virtuoso 22023 Error SR353: Sorted TOP clause specifies more then 41000 rows to sort. 
    Only 40000 are allowed. 
    Either decrease the offset and/or row count or use a scrollable cursor

    To prevent this error, you can leverage the use of subqueries which make better use of temporary storage. For example --

    SELECT  ?p 
             SELECT  DISTINCT  ?p 
               FROM  <> 
                   ?s  ?p  <> 
           ORDER BY ASC(?p) 
    OFFSET 50000 
     LIMIT 1000
