Virtuoso Open-Source Edition

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  • VOS.VirtTipsAndTricksInsDelSPARQLSSL(Last) -- Owiki? , 2018-04-13 12:08:54 Edit owiki 2018-04-13 12:08:54

    How Can I execute INSERT/DELETE (SPARUL) statements against a WebID protected SPARQL endpoint?

    The following sample scenario demonstrates how to perform INSERT/DELETE (SPARUL) statements against a protected SPARQL Endpoint by setting WebID Protocol ACLs using the Virtuoso Authentication Server UI:

    1. Obtain a WebID:
      1. Download and install the ods_framework_dav.vad.
      2. Register an ODS Data Space user, for example with name "demo".
      3. The generated WebID will be for example:

      4. Generate a Personal HTTP based Identifier for the "demo" user and then bind the personal Identifier to an X.509 Certificate, thereby giving assigning the user a WebID.
    2. Download and install the conductor_dav.vad package, if not already installed.
    3. Go to http://<cname>:<port>/conductor, where <cname>:<port> are replaced by your local server values.
    4. Go to System Admin -> Linked Data -> Access Control -> SPARQL-WebID

    5. In the displayed form:
      1. Enter the Web ID for the user registered above, for example:

      2. Select "SPARQL Role": "UPDATE".

    6. Click the "Register" button.
    7. The WebID Protocol ACL will be created:

    8. Go to the SPARQL+WebID endpoint, https://<cname>:<port>/sparql-webid, where <cname>:<port> are replaced by your local server values.
    9. Select the user's certificate:

    10. The SPARQL Query UI will be displayed:

    11. Execute the query:

      INSERT INTO GRAPH <> { <s1> <p1> <o1> . <s2> <p2> <o2> . <s3> <p3> <o3> }

    Note: If the SPARQL Role "Sponge" is set instead, in order to be able to execute DELETE/INSERT statements over the protected SPARQL Endpoint, the following grants need to be performed for the user, associated with the WebID ACL Role:

    grant execute on DB.DBA.SPARQL_INSERT_DICT_CONTENT to "demo";
    grant execute on DB.DBA.SPARQL_DELETE_DICT_CONTENT to "demo";
