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  • VOS.VirtOAuthSPARQLACL(Last) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-13 05:48:20 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-13 05:48:20

    Guide for Setting Web ID ACLs

    1. Make sure the SPARQL-SSL Endpoint is created.
    2. Generate an X.509 Certificate hosted WebID, for ex. for user john with WebID?:


    3. Go to http://<cname>:<port>/conductor
    4. Enter dba user's credentials.
    5. Go to "System Admin" -> "Security" -> "Access Control" -> "SPARQL-SSL"

    6. Register the WebID? from above and select SPARQL role:

      • Optionally you can set user john to be able to set WebID? ACL for odbc/sql log in:
        1. Go to "System Admin" -> "User Accounts" and click "Edit" for user john.
        2. In the presented form:
          1. Change "User type" to "SQL/ODBC and WebDAV"
          2. Add "Account Role": "SPARQL_SELECT"
          3. Add in "WebID? for ODBC/SQL authentication" for ex:


          4. Import the generated from above X.509 Certificate in Cryptographic Keys:

    7. Access the SPARQL-SSL Endpoint i.e. https://:/sparql-ssl
    8. Select the generated from above certificate

    9. The SPARQL-SSL Endpoint UI should be displayed

    10. Execute a sample query, for ex:

      SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} LIMIT 10
