The following section should be added to the Virtuoso configuration file (e.g., /opt/virtuoso/database/virtuoso.ini
) to safeguard your SPARQL endpoint against excessive usage:
[SPARQL] MaxCacheExpiration = 1 ; Cache Expiration time in seconds; overrides Sponger's default cache invalidation scheme ExternalQuerySource = 1 ExternalXsltSource = 1 ResultSetMaxRows = 100000 ;DefaultGraph = MaxQueryCostEstimationTime = 10000 ; in seconds MaxQueryExecutionTime = 30 ; in seconds ;ImmutableGraphs = http://unknown:8890/dataspace ;PingService = DefaultQuery = SELECT DISTINCT ?URI ?ObjectType WHERE { ?URI a ?ObjectType } LIMIT 50 DeferInferenceRulesInit = 1 ; Defer loading of inference rules at start up
Details about these settings can be found in the SPARQL Configuration File section of the Virtuoso Online Documentation.
The "DeferInferenceRulesInit = 1
" setting is particularly important when hosting large RDF data sets such as DBpedia, as it defers the load of the inference rules (which can take quite some time -- up to an hour!) until after basic server start-up.
Virtuoso Web Services ACLs can also be used to limit access to the SPARQL endpoint.
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