Calendar Ubiquity Commands

  1. establish OAuth session key for ODS Calendar instance:

    Syntax: ods-set-calendar-oauth <session_key> Example: ods-set-calendar-oauth c4746c96bd8faa99798ad88448ba3bab

    • Example usage you can find here.
  2. get event/task resource information by resource ID:

    Syntax: ods-get-calendar-item-by-id <event_id> Example: ods-get-calendar-item-by-id 1001

  3. create event:

    Syntax: ods-create-calendar-event <instance_id> subject <subject> [description <description>] [location <location>] [attendees <attendees>] [privacy <privacy>] [tags <tags>] [event <event>] eventStart <eventStart> eventEnd <eventEnd> [eRepeat <eRepeat>] [eRepeatParam1 <eRepeatParam1>] [eRepeatParam2 <eRepeatParam2>] [eRepeatParam3 <eRepeatParam3>] [eRepeatUntil <eRepeatUntil>] [eReminder <eReminder>] [notes <notes>] Example: ods-create-calendar-event 10 subject Ubiquity Tast eventStart 2008.11.17T12:00 eventEnd 2008.11.17T14:00

    • Example usage you can find here.
  4. update event by resource ID:

    Syntax: ods-update-calendar-event <event_id> subject <subject> [description <description>] [location <location>] [attendees <attendees>] [privacy <privacy>] [tags <tags>] [event <event>] eventStart <eventStart> eventEnd <eventEnd> [eRepeat <eRepeat>] [eRepeatParam1 <eRepeatParam1>] [eRepeatParam2 <eRepeatParam2>] [eRepeatParam3 <eRepeatParam3>] [eRepeatUntil <eRepeatUntil>] [eReminder <eReminder>] [notes <notes>] Example: ods-create-calendar-event 1001 subject Ubiquity Tast description Test Ubiquity Commands eventStart 2008.11.17T12:00 eventEnd 2008.11.17T14:00

  5. create task:

    Syntax: ods-create-calendar-task <instance_id> subject <subject> [description <description>] [attendees <attendees>] [privacy <privacy>] [tags <tags>] eventStart <eventStart> eventEnd <eventEnd> [priority <priority>] [status <status>] [complete <complete>] [completed <completed>] [notes <notes>] Example: ods-create-calendar-task 10 subject Create ODS Ubiquity Commands eventStart 2008.11.17 eventEnd 2008.11.18

  6. update task by resource ID:

    Syntax: ods-update-calendar-task <event_id> subject <subject> [description <description>] [attendees <attendees>] [privacy <privacy>] [tags <tags>] eventStart <eventStart> eventEnd <eventEnd> [priority <priority>] [status <status>] [complete <complete>] [completed <completed>] [notes <notes>] Example: ods-update-calendar-task 1001 subject Create ODS Ubiquity Commands eventStart 2008.11.17 eventEnd 2008.11.18 stutus Completed completedDate 2008.11.18

  7. delete event/task by resource ID:

    Syntax: ods-delete-calendar-item-by-id <event_id> Example: ods-delete-calendar-item-by-id 1001

  8. export events/tasks:

    Syntax: ods-export-calendar <instance_id> [events <0|1>] [tasks <0|1>] [periodFrom <periodFrom>] [periodTo <periodTo>] [tagsInclude <tagsInclude>] [tagsExclude <tagsExclude>] Example: ods-export-calendar 39 events 1

  9. import events/tasks:

    Syntax: ods-import-calendar <instance_id> source <source> sourceType <string|WebDAV|URL> [userName <userName>] [userPassword <userPassword>] [events <0|1>] [tasks <0|1>] [tags <tags>] Example: ods-import-calendar 10 /DAV/home/demo/calendar.ics sourceType WebDAV

    • Example usage you can find here.
  10. create annotation to existing event/task ID:

    Syntax: ods-create-calendar-annotation <event_id> author <author> body <body> Example: ods-create-calendar-annotation 1001 author demo body OpenLink RDF Browser

  11. get annotation information by resource ID:

    Syntax: ods-get-calendar-annotation-by-id <annotation_id> Example: ods-get-calendar-annotation-by-id 10001

  12. create claim to existing annotation:

    Syntax: ods-create-calendar-annotation-claim <annotation_id> iri <iri> relation <relation> value <value> Example: ods-create-calendar-annotation-claim 10001 iri relation rdfs:seeAlso value

  13. delete event/task annotation by resource ID:

    Syntax: ods-delete-calendar-annotation <annotation_id> Example: ods-delete-calendar-annotation 10001

  14. create comment to existing event/task ID:

    Syntax: ods-create-calendar-comment <event_id> title <title> body <body> author <author> authorMail <authorMail> authorUrl <authorUrl> Example: ods-create-calendar-comment 1001 title RDF body OpenLink RDF Browser author demo authorMail

  15. get event/task comment information by resource ID:

    Syntax: ods-get-calendar-comment-by-id <comment_id> Example: ods-get-calendar-comment-by-id 10001

  16. delete event/task comment by resource ID:

    Syntax: ods-delete-calendar-comment <comment_id> Example: ods-delete-calendar-comment 10001

  17. create calendar publication:

    Syntax: ods-create-calendar-publication <instance_id> name <name> [updateType <updateType>] [updatePeriod <hourly|daily>] [updateFreq <updateFreq>] [destinationType <destinationType>] destination <destination> [userName <userName>] [userPassword <userPassword>] [events <0|1>] [tasks <0|1>] Example: ods-create-calendar-publication 10 name Publish My Items destinationType WebDAV destination /~/demo/Public/DemoCalendar.ics userName demo userPassword demo

    • Example usage you can find here.
  18. get calendar publication information by resource ID:

    Syntax: ods-get-calendar-publication <publication_id> Example: ods-get-calendar-publication 1001

  19. update calendar publication by resource ID:

    Syntax: ods-update-calendar-publication <publication_id> name <name> [updateType <updateType>] [updatePeriod <hourly|daily>] [updateFreq <updateFreq>] [destinationType <destinationType>] destination <destination> [userName <userName>] [userPassword <userPassword>] [events <0|1>] [tasks <0|1>] Example: ods-update-calendar-publication 1001 name Publish My Events destinationType WebDAV destination /~/demo/Public/DemoCalendar.ics userName demo userPassword demo evenets 1

  20. sync calendar publication by resource ID:

    Syntax: ods-sync-calendar-publication <publication_id> Example: ods-sync-calendar-publication 1001

    • Example usage you can find here.
  21. delete calendar publication by resource ID:

    Syntax: ods-delete-calendar-publication <publication_id> Example: ods-delete-calendar-publication 1001

  22. create calendar subscription:

    Syntax: ods-create-calendar-subscription <instance_id> name <name> [updateType <updateType>] [updatePeriod <hourly|daily>] [updateFreq <updateFreq>] [sourceType <sourceType>] source <source> [userName <userName>] [userPassword <userPassword>] [events <0|1>] [tasks <0|1>] Example: ods-create-calendar-subscription 10 name Subscribe Company Items sourceType WebDAV source /~/demo/Public/CompanyCalendar.ics

    • Example usage you can find here.
  23. get calendar subscription information by resource ID:

    Syntax: ods-get-calendar-subscription <subscription_id> Example: ods-get-calendar-subscription 1001

  24. update calendar subscription by resource ID:

    Syntax: ods-update-calendar-subscription <subscription_id> name <name> [updateType <updateType>] [updatePeriod <hourly|daily>] [updateFreq <updateFreq>] [sourceType <sourceType>] source <source> [userName <userName>] [userPassword <userPassword>] [events <0|1>] [tasks <0|1>] Example: ods-update-calendar-subscription 1001 name Subscribe Company Events sourceType WebDAV source /~/demo/Public/CompanyCalendar.ics

  25. sync calendar subscription by resource ID:

    Syntax: ods-sync-calendar-subscription <subscription_id> Example: ods-sync-calendar-subscription 1001

    • Example usage you can find here.
  26. delete calendar subscription by resource ID:

    Syntax: ods-delete-calendar-subscription <subscription_id> Example: ods-delete-calendar-subscription 1001

  27. create calendar upstream:

    Syntax: ods-create-calendar-upstream <instance_id> name <name> source <source> userName <userName> userPassword <userPassword> [tagsInclude <tagsInclude>] [tagsExclude <tagsExclude>] Example: ods-create-calendar-upstream 10 name Upstream Items source userName demo userPassword demo

  28. update calendar upstream:

    Syntax: ods-update-calendar-upstream <upstream_id> name <name> source <source> userName <userName> userPassword <userPassword> [tagsInclude <tagsInclude>] [tagsExclude <tagsExclude>] Example: ods-update-calendar-upstream 1001 name Upstream Company Items source userName demo userPassword demo

  29. delete calendar upstream:

    Syntax: ods-delete-calendar-upstream <upstream_id> Example: ods-delete-calendar-upstream 1001

  30. set calendar instance options/properties:

    Syntax: ods-set-calendar-options <instance_id> options <options> Syntax: ods-set-calendar-options 39 options rows=20

  31. get calendar instance options/properties:

    Syntax: ods-get-calendar-options <instance_id> Example: ods-get-calendar-options 10
