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| - VirtSpongerCartridgeSupportedDataSourcesMetaREST
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| - VirtSpongerCartridgeSupportedDataSourcesMetaREST
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| - %META:TOPICPARENT{name="VirtSponger"}%
---+ Meta Cartridges Usage via REST Request
<code>Description.vsp</code> underlies the <code><nowiki>/about/html/</nowiki></code> page, and accepts the parameters described below.
|<b><code>@Lookup@</code><b>| |The type of lookup| |
| |<i>No Value</i>|When value is not given (i.e., <b><code><nowiki>@Lookup@=</nowiki></code></b>), all will work as if the parameter were not present. %BR% The "Lookup" name is chosen to distinguish between parameters belonging to the URL being processed, and parameters for the Sponger.|[[][Refresh the graph with all current cartridges, either type]] |
| |<b><code>0</code></b>|NLP meta only|[[][Execute only NLP meta extraction]]|
| |<b><code>-2</code></b>|Keywords-based only|[[][Execute only keywords-based meta extraction]]|
| |<b><code><i>x,y...</i></code></b>|A list of meta cartridges to be executed, by their unique IDs. The ID column can be found in <b>Conductor -> RDF -> Sponger -> Meta Cartridges</b>|[[,22&refresh=0][Execute only CNET (ID=19) and NYT: The TimesTags (ID=22) meta cartridges ]]|
|<b>refresh</b>|0,1,2 etc. |<b>Usage</b>: for cache invalidation. <br/>When used 1 or larger number (n), adds <b>get:refresh "N"</b>(explicit refresh interval in seconds) as a directive to Sponger. <br/>A refresh of zero ("0") seconds will make a new graph on the next lookup with the '@Lookup@' parameter value.|[[][Refresh the graph with all current cartridges]]|
|<b>refresh</b>|clean |<b>Usage</b>: for overwriting. <br/>The 'clean' usage explicitly clears the graph i.e. will cause the Sponger to drop cache even if it is marked to be in the fly.<br/>Thus, if fetched cache by some reason is left in some inconsistent state like shutdown during Network Resource fetching, then 'clean' is required as it doesn't check cache state.<br/><b>Note</b>: must be used with caution as other threads may be doing fetching of network resources at same time. | [[][Explicitly clear the graph]]|
|<b>sponger:get</b>|add |<b>Usage</b>: Add new triples to named graphs, progressively. This is the default value for the parameter <code>sponger:get</code>. May be used together with refresh=<seconds> to overwrite the expiration in the cache. | [[][Add new triples and refresh on every 10 seconds]]|
|<b>sponger:get</b>| soft|<b>Usage</b>: Network Resource Fetch data subject to cache invalidation mode and associated rules of instance. May be used together with refresh=<seconds> to overwrite the expiration in the cache. | [[][Network Resource Fetch data with option <b>soft</b> and refresh on every 10 seconds]]|
|<b>sponger:get</b>|replace |<b>Usage</b>: Replace subject to cache invalidation mode and rules, but coverage includes non fetched triples if such exist in a given named graph. may be used together with refresh=<seconds> to overwrite the expiration in the cache. | [[][Replace data and refresh on every 10 seconds]]|
* [[VirtSponger][Virtuoso Sponger]]
* [[VirtSpongerCartridgeSupportedDataSourcesMeta][Supported Meta Cartridges in Virtuoso]]
* [[VirtSpongerCartridgeSupportedDataSourcesMetaRESTExamples][Parametrized Examples of Meta Cartridge Usage via REST Request]]
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