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  • VOS.ODSBriefcaseSubscr(Last) -- Owiki? , 2018-04-19 06:22:11 Edit owiki 2018-04-19 06:22:11

    ODS Briefcase Subscription

    ODS Briefcase offer the feature to retrieve content from external web sites and host it in ODS user own WebDAV repository using the Preferences->tab Subscriptions page:

    1. The tab shows list of (if there are such) retrieved target sites.
      • For every target site is offered options to:
        1. Edit: edit site properties
        2. Delete: deletes the target site
    2. The basic sub-tabs are:
      1. New target: here you specified the target url to be retrieved, user name and password, DAV location to be stored the retrieved pages.
        • If specified to store metadata, then is shown a list of supported RDF Cartridges
        • Note: The "Target URL" will be used as a graph IRI. If no RDF cartridge is enabled only RDF formats will be imported.
      2. Queues: Shows subscribed for Targets list and Current Scheduled Updates list.
        • For every target is offered option to:
          1. Start: starts retrieving
          2. Edit: edit site properties
          3. Schedule: create schedule for the site retrieve
          4. Reset: reset site retrieval
          5. Stop: stops the retrieval
      3. Retrieved Sites: shows list of all retrieved sites with their total pages.
        • For every Site is offered option to:
          1. Edit: shows the list of retrieved pages, each of which has action "Delete" if desired.
          2. Export: the retrieved content can be exported to specified DAV External location

    Here is sample scenario:

    1. Go to http://myopenlink.net:8890/ods
    2. Login as demo user with demo password.
    3. Go to Briefcase
    4. Go to Preferences
    5. Go to tab Subscriptions
    6. Click the "New Target" button.
    7. Enter in the shown form:
      1. Target Description: OpenLink
      2. Target URL: http://www.openlinksw.com
      3. Copy to local DAV collection: /DAV/home/demo/mysubscriptions
      4. Check all check-boxes
      5. Click the button "Create".
    8. As result in the "Target Sites" list will be shown 1 row with description "OpenLink"
    9. Click the "Queues" button.
    10. As result will be shown our target with State "waiting":
    11. Click the "Start" button from the "Action" column.
    12. As result will be shown the results of the retrieved pages:
    13. When finished, should show the total of retrieved pages.
    14. Click the Back button
    15. As result our target will be shown with status "retrieved".
    16. Click the "Retrieved Sites" button
    17. As result out target will be shown with total [n] pages retrieved:
    18. To export the retrieved content click the "Export" button.
    19. In the shown form specify the External WebDAV Server URL for the selected site and click the "Export" button:
    20. To create Schedule go to Queues
    21. Click the "Schedule" button for target "OpenLink".
    22. In the Event form add interval and start time:
    23. Click the "Save" button
    24. As result the schedule should be added and shown in the "Current Scheduled Updates" list.

    CategoryODS CategoryBriefcase CategoryOpenSource CategoryOdsBriefcase CategoryDocumentation CategoryWebSite