Enhancing Virtuoso SQL Data Access with the WebID Protocol
SQL-oriented connectivity to back-end databases is increasingly challenged by matters of identity fidelity, which arise from the combination of user roles and privileges, data access tools, and connection origins.
Basically, it's no longer adequate to frame user profiles solely by local data.
To address this problem, it's imperative that database access may be constrained by an identity mechanism that blends web-of-trust logic and existing transport protocols into a policy-based data-access matrix.
This is what the WebID Protocol delivers; hence, the deep integration of this capability in Virtuoso.
Virtuoso's SQL-channel connection security, over all data access mechanisms (ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE DB, and XMLA), has been significantly enhanced by implementation of the WebID Protocol, supporting TLS-based SQL session logins.
WebIDs (verifiable identities) can be associated with database user accounts in the SQL/RDB realm, en route to creating powerful identity-oriented trust graphs, that can then drive sophisticated data access policies.
Exploiting the combined powers of Virtuoso and the WebID Protocol simply requires configuring Virtuoso's SQL listener to only accept SSL/TLS connections.
How It's Done
A Virtuoso instance is configured to operate in SSL/TLS mode (either client-only or mutual authentication) by setting the X509ClientVerify
value in the database server configuration (INI
) file:
- Do not require SSL/TLS (default).
- Require trusted certificate.
- Request certificate; if provided, accept only if verified/trusted; traditional login is also acceptable.
- Request certificate; if provided, accept any certificate, including self-signed; traditional login is also acceptable.
Virtuoso INI Configuration
A typical INI file would contain either —
SSLServerPort = 1113
;PEM file holding a Public Key:
SSLCertificate = keys/server.crt
;PEM file holding Private Key associated with Public Key above:
SSLPrivateKey = keys/server.key
X509ClientVerify = 3
— or —
;Public Key imported into Virtuoso's Native Key Store via PKCS#12 file import:
SSLCertificate = db:server_key
;Private Key imported into Virtuoso's Native Key Store via PKCS#12 file import:
SSLPrivateKey = db:server_key
Also note that on Windows, Virtuoso can be associated with the operating systems native keystore with regards to Public and Private Key access.
Presuming this instance were running on demo.example.com
, a basic iSQL client could connect with this command:
isql demo.example.com:1113 "" -X client.p12 -T server.crt
Note: The client certificate file, client.p12
, contains a WebID which has been associated with a SQL-realm user account.
Step-By-Step Example
- Server version: Virtuoso server must be version
or higher.
- Packages: The following VAD packages (downloadable here) should be installed:
- Virtuoso Conductor (
- ODS-Framework (
- Linked Open Data Transformation Middleware ("Sponger") (
or cartridges_dav.vad
- HTML based Identity Card (X.509 Certificate) Generator (
- Personal WebID: you can create such following these steps.
Basic Steps
1 - Set up local CA certificate
Make sure using your local Virtuoso instance Conductor (at http://{virtuoso-host-FQDN[:{listen-port}]}/conductor, e.g., http://my-host.example.com:8890/conductor) you had set up a local CA certificate with name "id_rsa".
See example scenario

2 - Export the id_rsa certificate pem content
- Execute from isql:
SQL> SELECT xenc_pem_export ('id_rsa');

- Copy the extracted content to a file for ex.
with name "rca.pem".
3 - Create Certificate from type Server/TLS
- Go to http://cname/certgen/

- Enter "E-mail" for ex.

- Click "Skip lookup":

- In the presented "Certificate details" form:
- Enter "Name" for ex.
- Enter "Organization" for ex.
"Example Inc.";
- Select "HTTP/TLS Server Identity" radio-box:

- Click "Next"

- In the presented "Signer Certificate" form leave the "Issuer" default value "Local CA" and click "Generate":

- Next in the "Format and Store" form enter password for the certificate and click "Download".
- The "ODBC.p12" file should be stored in your local file system.
4 - Load the generated "ODBC.p12" for "dba" account
- Go to Conductor → System Admin → User Accounts → "dba" → Action "Edit":

- Enter "Key Name": dbms, the key password and click "Choose File" to select the "ODBC.p12" certificate

- Click "Import Key".
- On a successful import the dbms key should be presented in the "Cryptographic Keys" list:

- Click "Save".
5 - Virtuoso INI Configuration
- Configure your Virtuoso
by editing the following lines to the Parameters
- Restart the Virtuoso server.
6 - Generate X.509 Certificate hosted Web ID
- Go to http://cname/certgen/

- In the presented form:
- Click "Skip lookup":

- In the "Certificate details" form:
- Enter "Name" for ex.
- Enter "Organization" for ex.
"Example Inc.";
- Leave the select "WebID & S/MIME (email) Identity" radio-box.
Another variant is also valid to select the "WebID Identity" radio-box.

- Click "Next":

- In the presented "Signer Certificate" form leave the "Issuer" default value "Local CA" and click "Generate":

- Next in the "Format and Store" form enter password for the certificate and leave selected the option "PKCS#12 file bundle".
- Click "Download".
- The "Demo.p12" file should be stored in your local file system → the folder where isql is located.
- Next select the option "PEM file" and click "Download".
- The "Demo.pem" file should be stored in your local file system → the folder where isql is located.
7 - Adding the "Demo.pem" certificate to the Web ID owner FOAF file
- Go to the instance where your user is registered.
As in this example we have used user "demo" from the http://id.myopenlink.net/ods as next step we go to it:

- Click "Sign In" and enter user demo credentials:

- Go to Profile Edit → Security → X.509 Certificates

- Enter in the "X.509 Certificate" text-area the content of the generated from above "Demo.pem":

- Click "Save Certificate".
- The created certificate should appear in the list of available for this user certificates:

8 - Setting Web ID to local user from type "SQL/ODBC"
- Go to your local Virtuoso instance Conductor (at http://{virtuoso-host-FQDN[:{listen-port}]}/conductor, e.g., http://my-host.example.com:8890/conductor):

- Enter "dba" user credentials and click "Login":

- Go to System Admin → User Accounts

- For existing user from type "SQL/ODBC" ( or "SQL/ODBC and WebDAV" ) or for a new created user from the same type, edit the user's properties by clicking the "Edit" link.
In this example we will use user "demo":

- Enter in the "WebID for ODBC/SQL authentication" field the WebID from above, i.e.:

- Click "Save".
9 - Creating sample table and granting access to it from the "SQL/ODBC" type user
- Go to Conductor → Database → Interactive SQL

- Execute the following statements:
"name" VARCHAR(100),
INTO EXAMPLE_DATA ("id", "name")
VALUES (1, 'John');
INTO EXAMPLE_DATA ("id", "name")
VALUES (2, 'Kate');
INTO EXAMPLE_DATA ("id", "name")
VALUES (3, 'Simon');
INTO EXAMPLE_DATA ("id", "name")
VALUES (4, 'Ann');

- Grant select rights for user "demo":
TO demo;

10 - Perform SQL login with certificate that contains the Web ID from above
- Execute from Command Prompt:
isql 1113 "" "<Demo.p12's password>" -X Demo.p12 -T rca.pem
For example:
isql 1113 "" "1" -X Demo.p12 -T rca.pem

- Execute the following SELECT statement:
FROM <http://example.com/demo/private>
WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
- The table's data should be displayed.
