ODS Bookmark Manager
ODS component that delivers a Bookmark Management platform for constructing, maintaining, and sharing vast collections of Web resource URLs.
Feature Highlights
Presentation & Content
- Web-based 3-pane user interface for easy navigation of bookmark folder structure
- XBEL-import and -export capability which also includes Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla/Netscape, and Opera bookmarks
- Smart Folders - dynamic query-based view of bookmarks database
- Tag-based viewing and organization
- Bookmarklet for easy bookmark entry creation while browsing
- Powerful Full-Text search that also includes support for GData, XPath and XQuery
- SPARQL based queries against bookmark database data mapped to SIOC ontology as Virtual RDF data-sets
- Supports imports and exports to and from del.icio.us and other bookmarking systems that expose data via Web Services or RSS, Atom, OPML based syndication feeds.
Web Services
How Do I ...?
- Subscribe to URL accessible Bookmark files?
- Publish Bookmark items to Bookmark format?
- Share My Bookmarks?
- Import My Bookmarks?
- Export My Bookmarks?
- Manipulate my Weblog data via REST using authentication based on OAuth, sessions, or password hash?
- Use the Bookmark Ubiquity Commands?
- Use the Virtuoso OAuth Test tool to manage my bookmarks?
- Use SPARQL to Query My Bookmarks using the SIOC Ontology
- Use SPARQL to Query My Bookmarks using the OWL Ontology
- Use SPARQL to Query My Bookmarks using the SKOS Ontology
- Use SPARQL to Query My Bookmarks using the FOAF Ontology
- Use SPARQL to Query My Bookmarks using the Annotea Ontology
Quick Start Guides
Bookmark Manager Tutorials
- Bookmark Manager Subscription Ubiquity Tutorial
- Bookmark Manager Publication Ubiquity Tutorial
- Bookmark Manager OAuth Authentication Tutorial
- Bookmark Manager OAuth REST API Tutorial with the Virtuoso OAuth Testing Tool
Reference Guides
See also
- ODS SIOC reference
- Query ODS Data Spaces using SPARQL and Atom OWL Ontology
- Query ODS Data Spaces using SPARQL and SKOS Ontology
- Query ODS Data Spaces using SPARQL and FOAF Ontology
- Query ODS Data Spaces using SPARQL and Annotea Ontology
- ODS SPARQL Samples
- Northwind SPARQL Reference
- Query Virtuoso Tutorials using SPARQL
- Query Virtuoso Documentation using SPARQL
- WordPress SIOC Reference
- MedaWiki SIOC Reference
- PHPBB SIOC Reference
CategoryODS CategoryOpenSource CategoryODSBookmarks? CategoryWebSite